Maid of the Mist ... Legend

Maid of the Mist ... Legend, 1973, sgraffito, 20' x 9'
The Slawinski Gallery and Studio Sgraffito, 125 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls, NY

The legend of the Maid of the Mist, as expressed in the words "From the depths of a watery grave in the Niagara, she shall rise to meet the sun and a new life," inspired Prof. Slawinski's creation of this sgraffito mural. A free standing structure, it is located in the garden at 125 Buffalo Avenue, adjacent to the house that was once the artist's Gallery and Studio Sgraffito, now the home of his widow. Slawinski moved from Buffalo to Niagara Falls, at the invitation of the City's Mayor Lakey, buying the house nearest to the Goat Island bridge from which it is separated by an expanse of lawn.


The Maid of the Mist (detail)