by Alessandro Bettagno, Peter C. Marzio and
Giandomenico Romanelli
By courtesy of the Electa publishing
house we present here the introduction on Bernardo Bellotto and the biography of this
artist as contained in the catalogue to the exhibition taking place at the
Museo Correr in Venice from 10 February through 27 June
Among the great protagonists of 18th century Venetian
painting Bernardo Bellotto was never to receive either that attention from
the critics nor full appreciation on the part of the general public as are
then sanctified and simultaneously stimulated by a one-man showing, which
focuses not on one aspect, season or theme but spans the entire artistic
production in its various developments and different phases, its
articulations and, perhaps, contradictions.
The possible reasons for
this lack of recognition are many and varied. His relationship with
Canaletto; the confusion on the name he adopted in the course of his
career, in particular, outside Italy; his long-lasting activity in the
various courts and his failure to return to Venice; his facility in
assimilating and almost identifying himself with the genus loci be it
Saxon, Viennese or Polish; the doubt - finally - on the nature itself of
his depiction of views (genre or mannerist, documentation or poetry,
technique or imagination): all these factors have caused a sort of lengthy
removal of Bellotto and his works from the deep conscience of Venetian art
history, otherwise so active in finding and rediscovering small old
masters or even perhaps insignificant followers of this or that leader.
But of course exceptions and illuminating moments have not been lacking;
such as Kozakiewicz with his long militancy for Bellotto; certain
exhibition initiatives (the memorable views of Dresden seen fifteen years
ago at the Fondazione Cini); recent research (above all, that of Bozena
Kowalczyk); and unexpected intuitions, therefore even more welcome (by
Roberto Longhi, Giuliano Briganti and Giulio Carlo Argan) make it possible
today for us to view Bellotto and his career with greater attention. The
objective and documentary data of comforting solidity and perspicacity,
and the scores of works that make up this exhibition in its two
co-ordinated but not coinciding Venetian and American editions produce a
profile on Bernardo Brellotto and his output in all its most striking
richness and vivacity.
To these characteristics many other
connotations are to be added by which Bellotto's experience is enriched in
the same way as the most extraordinary accounts of the journeys that our
18th century explorer-painter was able to conceive and transfer within the
visionary dilation of his magical and mysterious canvases, hallucinated
and suspended, constructed and dominated by that "oily light", by that
"heavy shadow, deeply etched, almost black" - as described by Argan -
which make them unmistakable. Many have noticed his almost chameleon-like
capacity to identify himself with nature and the characteristics of the
places which he was portraying. This most Venetian Bellotto appeared to
abandon on the shores of the lagoon the memories of his apprenticeship
(conserved for that matter as an insuperable technical instrument, a
virtuoso machine of conscience and transcription of the world) to then don
those of the never- equalled "portrayer of European cities" (as dubbed by
Argan) captured in the distinctive and physical brushstrokes of their
shapes and colours.
In the panorama of an artistic diaspora that saw
the whole of Europe criss-crossed by the thick network of journeys made by
Venetian artists (painters, poets, playwrights, architects ...) Bellotto
appears to have been the traveller par excellence, more than Canaletto and
Pellegrini, Tiepolo and Rosalba, and more than Goldoni and Sebastiano
Ricci. Equalled only by Algarotti, Casanova and Da Ponte.
In his
travels, Bellotto brought this singular aptitude into the most intimate
fibres of his painting: castles and clearings, city squares and waterways,
fortifications and churches, ruins and forests. But if it is true that he
seemed to wear the garments of the "portrayer of cities", it is also true
that it is impossible to deny the fascination of his anti-arcadian and
post-mythological nature which fills and dominates many of his most
beautiful canvases. Rivers and waterways without Nereids and woods without
fauns, grassy swards without centaurs and fountains minus nymphs: on the
one hand, they mark the direct relationship, immediate and necessary with
the form and dimension of the territory; on the other, in the parks and
gardens re-arranged into the lucid geometry of measurements and shapes, we
see accepted and proposed the illuminated and rational ways of a domestic
and orderly nature.
The "portrayer of the city" shows himself to be
among the greatest interpreters of nature and its shapes, the secrets of
which he displays after having investigated their very essence: with
amazement and lively participation, in empathy and sharing the humours but
also with a vigilant and lucid control of emotions. In fact, an excellent
painter of landscape is added to the artist of urban sights.
between architecture and landscapes Bellotto sets himself up as a radical
and profound modern artist. That same not quantitatively relevant presence
of ruins, traces of classical antiquity and archaeological artefacts
appears at most as a dutiful tribute to the fashion for ruins and
antiquities. And these caprices too appear rather as a taste for
experimentation in composition played on the compatibility/incompatibility
of styles of architecture, of volumes and shapes. Bellotto's urban
'scapes, no less than his extraordinary dioramas and opticals opened wide
on territory and views skimming almost in bird-like flight over rivers and
valleys, reveal the lay and scientific modernity of a witness of
In this he appears to be in a dimension and with a
quality that impose themselves on the observer with an evidence that
admits neither response nor reservation.
The exhibition in its two
editions, in Venice (Museo Correr, from 10 February through 27 June 2001)
and in Houston, has been able to avail itself of the unrepeatable
opportunity of loans conceded by important museums with a generosity
without precedent and is absolutely the first dedicated to Bellotto in the
United States of America. It is also the first complete review dedicated
to this artist and his entire production and - albeit retrospectively -
brings about that return to Venice which Bellotto did not actually
experience in his lifetime.
Biography of Bernardo
Born 20 May Bernardo Francesco Paulo
Ernesto Bellotto in Venice, in the parish of Santa Margherita, the son of
Lorenzo Antonio Bellotto, administrator of the properties of Marc'Antonio
Giustinian, Procurator of San Marco, and Fiorenza Domenica Canal, the
sister of Canaletto.
Already for some time a pupil
in Canaletto's studio.
Prior to June, he draws the Grand Canal alla
fondamenta di Santa Chiara, fino alla chiesa di Santa Croce
(Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum, AE 2208) and writes a letter on the
back to his father.
From this year onwards until
1743, Bellotto is a member of the Fraglia dei
Probable start of his relationship with
Henry Howard, IVth Duke of Carlisle, for whom between 1739 and 1741, he
was to produce a series of paintings, four of which are still kept at
Castle Howard (Yorkshire).
1740 He paints the Grand
Canal da palazzo Foscari e Moro Lin fino alla Carità (Nationalmuseum
of Stockholm), commissioned to commemorate the visit to Venice of Freidric
Christian, son of the Elector of Saxony and king of Poland Augustus III,
who was a guest at Palazzo Foscari from Decmber 1739 to June 1740.
November, the secretary of Field Marshal von der Schulenburg is reimbursed
with 9 golden sequins for the purchase of four views of Venice by the
"nephew of Canaletto".
8 December, he signs the drawing Campo Santi
Giovanni e Paolo (Darmstadt, Hessisches Landesmuseum, AE 2218).
5 October, drawing-up of marriage contract on the
part of the painter and his future father-in-law Giambattista Pizzorno,
made perfect on 2 November.
5 November, marriage of Elisabetta
Pizzorno, daughter of Giambattista formerly Zorzi, celebrated in the del
Redentore church, witness Count Bonomo Algarotti; investment of part of
the bride's dowry (850 ducats) in the Scuola Grande della Misericordia.
Fiorenza, Bernardo Bellotto's mother, prepares a document protecting
the painter in which she declares that the family has been abandoned by
her husband Lorenzo and that the only goods in her possession are those
procured for her by Bernardo who, with his work, maintained her and his
brother Pietro, both of them being resident in Bernardo's home. The
brother Pietro Bellotto (a painter of views in Toulouse and Nantes)
declares before the same notary to have learned the art of painting from
Bernardo. In order to continue living with his brother and improve in his
profession Pietro signs a pledge to give him one hundred and twenty ducats
a year.
Springtime, probable date of his journey to
Rome, with stopovers in Florence, Lucca and Livorno.
25 July, Bernardo
returns to Venice where the contract with his brother is cancelled.
August, the will of his mother Fiorenza who names Bernardo as her heir and
entrusts him to take care of his sister, a tertiary at San Francesco della
Vigna. 15 October, Bernardo's first son, Lorenzo Francesco, is born in the
parish of Santa Marina in Venice.
16 August, he
shows two views at the San Rocco exhibition, one of the Campidoglio
(Petworth House) and the other of the Chiovere di San Giovanni Evangelista
Journey to Milan where he paints two views
for the Archbishop Giuseppe Pozzobonelli. At Vapario he paints two
pictures for Count Antonio Simonetta (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York, and a private collection in Italy), as stated by the writing on the
preparatory drawings (Darmstadt, Hessisches Landes Museum, AE 2215 and
2216). At Gazzada he paints the village and the villa of the Perabò
brothers (Brera, Milan).
July, his daughter Fiorenza is born.
Bernardo is documented as being among the inhabitants
of the parish of Santa Marina, on the Fondamenta Nuove, where for 60
ducats he rents an apartment for his family composed of his mother, wife
and two children. He paints two views of Turin (Galleria Sabauda, Turin),
for which he is paid in the summer.
12 August, his daughter Fiorenza
29 November, birth of his daughter Francesca Elisabetta, the
god-father is Pietro Guarienti.
2 December, birth
of his son Giambattista Francesco, god-father Giuseppe Camerata. Probable
date of the two great views of Verona (Powis Castle, England, and the
National Gallery of Edinburgh, anonymous loan).
April, in the name of his father-in-law Giambattista Pizzorno he gains
power of attorney to administer the investment of his wife's dowry.
Shortly afterwards he leaves for Dresden.
8 May, his son Giambattista
Francesco dies in Venice. He signs some paintings and etchings in Dresden.
Frederick Augustus II, elector of Saxony and king of
Poland with the name of Augustus III confers on Bellotto the title of
court painter, with the annual stipend of 1750 thalers and makes him a
present of a tobacco-jar studded with diamonds containing 300 gold louis.
During eleven years in Dresden, preceding the outbreak of the seven years'
war, the artist paints for the Royal Gallery the series of fourteen large
format views of Dresden and eleven of Pirna, and for the prime minister
Count Heinrich Brühl repeats the same subjects with thirteen views of
Dresden and eight of Pirna, without ever being paid for them. He etches
his paintings.
July, he is listed among those "who live in Santa
Marina and able to pay a tax for the Ferali", even if the painter is
already in Dresden.
24 September, his daughter Maria Anna is
christened, god parents Count Brühl and his wife.
4 March, his daughter Maria Anna dies.
August, his daughter Maria Josepha Friedrica is christened.
26 August, his daughter Christiana Xaveria is
27 November, his daughter Antonia Federica dies.
26 April, he receives the decree of Frederick
Augustus II addressed to the bailiff Crusius at Pirna, for the
facilitation of his work in this town.
16 November,
his father Lorenzo Bellotto, who is in Dresden, sends a letter to Count
Brühl and his wife in which he complains about Bernardo's character and
March, the elector of Saxony issues a
decree to facilitate the painter in his depicting of the fortress of
Between 1756 and 1758, he paints five great views of the
2 November, his daughter Theresia
Francisca Florentia is christened.
5 December, the
painter is granted a passport for Bayreuth.
the artist with his son Lorenzo arrives in Vienna where he stays for two
years, commissioned by the empress Maria Teresa to paint a series of
large-size views of the imperial residences, a panoramic view of the city
and some medium-size city views. For the chancellor Wenzel Kaunitz and
Prince Joseph Wenzel Liechtenstein he paints views of their palaces and
July, during a Prussian bombardment, the
painter's house in Dresden situated in the suburb of Pirna is destroyed
and, together with furnishings, he loses works of art and engraving
plates, amounting to a value of 50,000 thalers.
January, the Empress Maria Teresa writes a letter recommending the painter
to Princess Maria Antonia, who is at the court of her brother Joseph
Maximilian III in Munich in Bavaria, together with her husband Freidric
14 January, Bellotto arrives in Munich with another six
court painters of the House of Saxony - probably including his son Lorenzo
- taking up residence in the best-known hotel in the city, the Aquila Nera
in the Kauffingergasse. In less than a year in Munich, he paints a view of
the city and two of Nynphenburg for the sovereign Joseph Maximilian III of
Prior to 13 January, Bellotto returned to
Dresden. From Warsaw, Count Brühl sends a letter addressed to the painter
in Dresden.
October, Bellotto's two patrons, King Augustus III and
Count Brühl die. He makes two Allegories (Gamäldegalerie, Dresden) of the
political situation in Saxony after the end of the seven years' war.
To the foundation of the Academy of Fine Arts in
Dresden, directed by Christian Ludwig Hagedorn (1712-1780) and guided by
neo-classical ideas, the painter, by now abandoned, with only the support
of the court is nominated "aggregate member for perspective" (teacher of
perspective) with the annual stipend of 600 thalers. He brings a law suit
in vain against the heir of Count Brühl, requesting payment of the
commissioned paintings, the agreed price of which was 200 thalers for each
one. He is held responsible for the debts of his son Lorenzo.
He paints the piece for gaining admission to the
Academy, the Old City of Dresden on the left bank of Elba with the bridge
of Augustus (Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe), with which he takes part
in the second Academy exhibition in 1766. 20 December, he requests
Hagedorn's permission to go to St. Petersburg for nine months.
26 January, a letter sent from Dresden by the
painter Giuseppe Rosa to his colleague Marcello Bacciarelli, the first
artist in the Polish court, announces the imminent arrival of Bellotto in
Warsaw. Bacciarelli presents Bellotto to Stanislaus Augustus Poniatowski, the king of Poland.
May, the painter and his son are working on the frescoes decorating
the castle of Ujazdòw.
27 August, he sends a request to the Dresden
Academy to extend his leave which is granted until 31 January 1768.
then decides to stay on in Warsaw where his family joins him.
The king of Poland confers on Bellotto the title of
court painter with the annual stipend of 400 ducats, to which are added
150 for lodgings, 120 for his horse carriage, 40 for firewood and 120 for
the theatre. In Warsaw, Bellotto's main work is the series of 26 views of
the city and Wilanòw destined for the "Canaletto room" in the Royal
20 April, in Venice, Bernardo is nominated together with his
brothers Michiel and Pietro in the documents relative to hereditary
questions after the death of Canaletto. 1st March, the painter Giuseppe
Rosa describes the lunatic character of Bellotto in a letter to Bacciarelli.
Together with his son, he signs two paintings of
the series of Roman views second to the Piranesi prints destined for the
castle of Ujazdòw. His eldest daughter Maria Josepha Friedrica marries the
court geographer Hermann Karl Perthées, originally from Dresden.
In the view of Warsaw from the suburb of Praga
(Zamek Krolewski, Warsaw) he portrays himself together with the king, his
son and son-in-law.
20 October, his son Lorenzo dies. The funeral is
paid for by the king and the burial takes place in Warsaw, in the church
of the Reformed.
For Count Jòzef Ossolinski he
makes a painting representing the Entry into Rome of the Polish ambassador
Jerzy Ossolinki (Slesian Museum, Wroclaw), the only painting to be
documented in his period in Poland as a commission other than those of the
royal house.
He makes a list (Notta) of his works
made in the period 1771-1780, indicating their prices and dates.
November, Bellotto dies in Warsaw. De Perthèes, his son-in law, announces
his death on the same day and the next day Bellotto is buried in the
church of the Cappucines in Miodova street.
Research by various scholars has been dedicated to the
Venetian and Italian period of the artist, the first being Fabio Mauroner,
whose notes and transcriptions of archive documents, kept in the
Biblioteca of the Museo Correr in Venice (Mauroner n.d. [before 1948]),
have been transcribed and published by Giorgio Marini (1993). Other
studies have been made by BozYena Anna Kowalczyk (1995 and 1999).
publication of documents relative to Bellotto's time in Dresden is owed
for the most part to Moritz von Stübel (1911) and to Hellmuth Allwill
Frietsche (1936), while news regarding the period in Warsaw comes
principally from Sebastiano Ciampi (1830 and 1839), Barbara
Krol-Kaczorowska (1966), Stefan Kozakiewicz (1972) and Elena Bassi (1979).
(traslated by Leonor Dodsworth)
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