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The presented work focuses on the changes within the human skeleton caused by the
transition to agriculture in the Neolithic. Two types of populations were compared that differ in
their adaptive strategies (subsistence economies). An agricultural lifeway is represented by a
Lengyel population from Osłonki (Kujawy-Pomorze voivodeship), and a Corded Ware population
from Zemiki Gome and Złota (both from Swietokrzyskie voivodeship) represents a mixed,
agricultural-breeding-pastoral economy. Morphology and indicators of response to environmental
conditions of above mentioned samples were examined and then statistically compared.
Morphological traits of studied populations were analysed on the basis of measurements of skulls
and long bones; additionally, the degree of sexual dimorphism of both groups was calculated.
It was revealed that the examined samples differ in relation to their biological structure
and statistically significant differences concern the skull lenght and height and the forehead
width, as well as lenght of the tibia. These results suggest that examined groups have a different
genetic structure, i.e. they are characterized by a different origin - this observation is supported by
archaeological data.
A hypothesis was formulated that these populations living in the same environmental
conditions, diversely exploiting the environment and having distinct genetic equipment could
have responded in a different way to the factors disturbing their biological development.
Therefore three indicators of morphological response to living conditions -cribra
orbitalia, enamel hypoplasia and Harris lines were analysed. It seems that in studied human
samples the effect of different adaptive strategies on buffering adverse nutritional factors and
diseases was revealed. The prevalence and severity of studied indicators suggest that the Lengyel
people more often and intensively than the ,,corded" people responded to environmental
constraints in consequence of their agricultural lifeway (less diversified diet, sedentarism,
exposing to pathogens and spreading of infections, increased density), which is also supported by
the lower values of sexual dimorphism in this group. Moreover, a relationship between the
occurrence of cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasia and the mean age at death of studied
individuals (lower for the affected individuals) was found. It evidences essential, adverse effect of
factors causing both lesions on the biological development of studied human samples.

The above is an abstract of the following Polish language monograph: Krenz-Niedbała M., 2000, Biologiczne i kulturowe skutki neolityzacji w populacjach ludzkich na ziemiach polskich. Monografie Instytutu Antropologii UAM, Poznań, Nr 8