The Green Federation Szczecin derived from Ecological Movement Szczecin which was found in 1991. One year later Szczecin became a member - of the international NGO- Coalition Clean Baltic. In 1993 members of Szczecin decided to join the Green Federation network and continue their activity as Green Federation Szczecin - West-Pomeranian branch of Green Federation.
Presently, Green Federation is a co-operating member of the following organisations: Alliance of Northern People for Environment and Development (ANPED), Cities for Bikes Network, GREEN NET, Western Pomeranian Management Forum (15 registered environmental movements and organisations in the Szczecin province).
Since its registration in 1993, the aims of Green Federation Szczecin
have been to:
1) raise the environmental consciousness of our society,
2) integrate the movement activities on behalf of the environment,
3) work for the improvement in the state of the natural environment
in both Poland and the world,
4) work for the protection of the Baltic Sea,
5) prevent severe prodigality and improper management and utilisation
of wastes, and
6) initiate and support international co-operation in order to
improve the state of the natural environment.
Since its inception, Green Federation Szczecin has realised the following projects:
* Polish-German ecological camp,
* bicycle seminar - Cities in the Movement,
* ecological school in West Pomeranian,
* promotion of bike paths in Szczecin,
* monitoring the changing influences on the environment,
* English language course for Green Federation members,
* intervention project - Green Telephone,
* Project "Greens Now",
* campaign - Give the Baltic Salmon a Chance,
* hydrological/ecological camp,
* help in producing the monthly ecological gazette Zielona Arka,
* building the Network of Environmental Organisations in West Pomerania, including bicycle schools, workshops, lectures concerning ecology and the environmental movement,
* publishing Green Guide to Szczecin,
* publishing ANPED's quarterly newsletter Northern Lights,
* starting the Bureau of Environmental Information,
* hosting the international Sustainable Europe Tour '96,
* Time for Oder campaign
* Salon reintroduction in Western Pomeranian rivers
* Protection of biodiversity in Odra valley
* Publication of Polish Version of "Parents of Tomorrow" by Woman Environmental Network
* Waste Paper Recycling campaign
* Improving access to Internet by NGOs
In addition to the activities listed above, Green Federation Szczecin has created, edited and produced numerous publication. Some of the more important are:
* Green Guide to Szczecin,
* The Threat and the Hope,
* materials from the conference Cities in the Movement,
* Strategies for the Promotion of Clean Production - Polish translation of four of Greenpeace's briefings,
* Money for the Earth - Polish translation of fundraising guide book,
* Northern Lights - quarterly newsletter of ANPED,
* several reports including
- Threat to the Baltic Salmon,
- Storage of Radioactive Wastes in Greifswald, Germany,
- Cementing the Lands around the Rokit Forest.
The Green Federation's role among Polish ecological movement is to inspire the activities of local communities, working on issues of city planning, waste management, transportation, water prevention and so on. The groups express their demands by lobbying, educating and communication with the public, and trough peaceful direct actions, such as tree-planting, blockading and demonstrating.
The Green Federation is a voluntary social organisation and is independent from any political ideology or political party. The GF Is a legal entity, can gain rights in its own name and can be held legally liable. The mission of the GF is the protection of the nature and building a civic society. The GF has inter alia these main aims:
- protection of the Baltic Sea environment;
- raise public awareness;
- development of the national and international contacts with other groups or organisations dealing with environmental issues;
- integration of the organisations dealing with such issues;
- protection of the environment against air and water pollution;
- promoting of the alternative clean technologies;
- promoting of the eco-tourism;
- others;
Bodies of the society are:
- membership meeting;
- board;
- auditing commission;
Possession of the society consists of the material and financial items gained from:
- membership fees;
- financial and other gifts;
- governmental and non-governmental grants
- public collections
The society was registered at the Szczecin Voivodship Court on 3rd November 1993.
Our sponsors:
- Milieukontakt Oost Europa
- Fundacja Wspierania Inicjatyw Ekol.
- Greenpeace Germany
- Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
- Coalition Clean Baltic
- Regional Environemntal Center
- Royal Dutch Embassy
- PHARE - Fundusz Wspó³pracy - Dialog Spo3eczny - NGOs
- Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Orodowiska
- Wydzia³ Ochrony Zdrowia UM w Szczecinie
- United Nations Development Program
- Alliance of Northern People for Environment and Development
- Agencja Reklamowa A. Turkiewicz
- Batory Foundation
- Haskoning