The Katowice
Special Economic Zone Co.
The Katowice Special Economic Zone Co. (KSEZ) was
established by the ordinance of the Council of Ministers of June 18,1996
(Journal of Laws No. 88, item 397 and Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 28,
item 155) in order to assist in and accelerate the restructuring processes
and to create jobs in the region of Katowice. The Katowice Special
Economic Zone comprises of four geographically separate areas in:
the Gliwice Sub-zone (336.39 ha),
the Sosnowiec and D±browa Górnicza Sub-zone (221.80 ha),
the Tychy Sub-zone (143.52 ha),
the Jastrzebie Zdrój and Żory Sub-zone (including sites
in the districts of Pawłowice and Godów) (123.49 ha).
The Zone occupies in total 826.99 ha within 17 different sites, which
helps investors choose the most suitable location. It is situated in the
vicinity of east-west (Lvov - Wrocław-Berlin) and north-south
(Gdańsk-Cieszyn-Bratislava) international routes and planned A1 and A4
The Zone has been established for the period of 20 years
(until August 8, 2016) and is managed by Katowicka Specjalna Strefa
Ekonomiczna S.A. (the Katowice Special Economic Zone Co.) with its head
office in Katowice. In the past 2 years of the KSEZ activity 37% of its
total area have been made accessible to investors.
Legal decisions
affecting the Zone
1. Act of October 20,1994 on Special Economic Zones (Journal of Laws
No.123 of October 1994, item 600; and Journal of Laws No. 106 of 1996,
item 496).
2. Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of June 18,1996 on the
Establishment of a Special Economic Zone in the Province of Katowice
(Journal of Laws No.88 of 1996, item 397 and Journal of Laws No. 28 of
1997, item 155).
3. Decree of the Minister of Economy of May 6,1997 on licensing the
Katowice Special Economic Zone Co. to grant economic enterprises permits
to conduct business activities within the Katowice Special Economic Zone
and to monitor the business activities of enterprises within the Zone and
specifying the range of the monitoring (Monitor Polski No. 30 of 1997,
item 285).
4. Decree of the Minister of Economy of May 6, 1997 on the manner of
conducting tendering processes and negotiations, the principles and
conditions thereof, and the criteria for the evaluation of economic
undertakings to be pursued by business entities within the Katowice
Special Economic Zone (Monitor Polski No. 52 of 1996, item 480).