Geographic location |
Central-northern part of the Lower Silesia Province, Lubin poviat, within limits of the town of Lubin, south-western Poland |
Distances to the country frontiers |
Lubin - Zgorzelec: 95 km (Germany) Lubin - Świnoujście: 422 km (the Polish Coast) Lubin - Jakuszyce: 108 km (the Czech Republic) Lubin - Medyka: 610 km (the Ukraine) |
above sea level |
145 - 154 m Slightly sloped in north-eastern direction. |
Total surface area |
28 hectares | ||||||||||||||||
available area |
25 hectares | ||||||||||||||||
Size and numbers of available plots of land |
Area characteristics |
Industrial area assigned to make greenfield investments, flat, slightly sloped in one direction, of regular shapes, with technical infrastructure, with good communication network, without buildings and protected (animated and inanimate) natural monuments, high greenery, chemical pollution or other pollution exceeding permitted levels; with no risk of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, ect.), with no archeological stands; previously used for agricultural purposes; because of the vicinity of housing estates lands are reserved for clean businesses that produce only low levels of noise. At present, an asphalt access road to the Area is uner construction. |
Traffic infrastructure available |
Technical infrastructure available |
Full technical infrastructure will be supplied to particular plots' borders when needed.
Local taxes | Annual property tax:
Note: there is a possibility to obtain full or partial local tax exemption |
Towns and cultural centres in the neighbourhood |
Lubin (90,000 inhabitants) Legnica - 25 km (110,000 inhabitants) Wrocław - 75 km (634,000 inhabitants) Polkowice - 15 km (26,000 inhabitants) |
Legal status | Property of the State Treasury Agricultural Property Agency and of the town of Lubin | ||||||||||||||||
Spatial development plan |
According to the local land development of the Legnica Special Economic Zone - Lubin Subzone approved in a form of resolutions of the Town Council of Lubin Town No. LI/208/2001 of 20.03.2001 and No. U/38/2003 of 14.01.2003, the land is designed for industrial building. There are the following limitations regarding building capacity and height:
Last edition: 24-10-2003