Local administration County Office: Starostwo Powiatowe w Szamotułach Address: Ul. Wojska Polskiego 4, 64-500 Szamotuły Tel./Fax.: (0-61)2921709, 2921750, 2923085,2923560 / (0-61)2921880 Starost: Paweł Kowzan Wicestarost: Paweł Mordal Investor's contact: Promotion and Development Communes Total: 8 Rural communes: 1 - Obrzycko Municipal and rural communes: 4
Rural communes: 3
Budgets Income per capita(PLN): 873,5 Expenses per capita(PLN): 875,9 Area Area(km2): 1 119,6 Arable land(%): 59,7 Woods and forrest areas(%): 31,2 Other areas(%): 9,1 Protected areas(%): 21,5
Population Total: 85 359
Population growth (county/province/country): 1,2 / 1,5 /0,9 Demographic structure (age):
Labour market Employed in national economy: 19 318 Unemployed (registered): 2 047 Unemployment rate (%): 6,6 Best enterprises
- Wielkopolskie Zakłady Tłuszczowe ADM - Szamotuły Tel./Fax.: (0-61)2921227 Branch: foods
Tel./Fax.: Branch: valves Business entities: Total 5 110
Technical infrastructure Total (KM): 1 782,1 Communal and local municipal roads (km): 692
Water supply system (km): 812 Gas network (km): 808 Inhabited flats (tys.m2): 1 626,5 Avarage flat size (m2/1 person): 19,4 Telephone owners:
Transportation Rail connections with main cities in Poland Nearest motorways: A2 (Berlin-Moscow) Nearest airport : Poznań - Ławica Education Total schools: 77
Total number of students: 19 397 |