Konin is situated close to the main transport routes: railway and road routes that lead from east to west (A2 highway), Berlin - Warsaw - Moscow and from north to south, Bydgoszcz - Kalisz.
Konin is mainly the centre of industry. Steel indtustry is the best developed one here. It includes the only aluminium works in the country. Food-processing industry is highly developed as well. It includes sugar-works, the diary, the destillery, fruit-processing and bakeries, textile industry and a range of works of medium and small sizes.
Dominant position in the city economy have industry and regional-local services. There are around 6000 companies in SME sector, which operate in production, service and commercial activities. The most important impact on Konin economy have energetic complex and metal and food-processing industry. The biggest companies are: Power Station Group sa, Aluminium Work "Konin" SA, Mining Equipment Company FUGO SA, Sugar Plant "Gosławice:, Milk Processing Company "Dana" and many more.
There are 7 hotels in the town that have got the room for 700 people. About 600 are used all year long, the others - only during seasons.
The range of lakes, that spread from the north boundary of the town over all northern part of the district, makes the are important as a tourism and recreation centre, not only for Konin citizens but for people from neighbouring districts as well.
Konin belongs to the Association of Cities in Prtnership. Those cities are situated in various parts of Europe. The project, started by 4 cities: Herne, Konin, Eisleben and Henin-Beaumont, got the support of the European Union within the ECOS programme. The Cooperation includes recycling materials usage, water purifications and electrical energy usage.