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The Commune and Town of Obrzycko, a part of the Wielkopolska Province and Szamotuły County, is located on the Warta river, about 45 km north - west of Poznań and 12 km north of Szamotuły.The town, located by the main Poznań - Szamotuły - Wronki - Czarnków road, is the natural administrative and service centre for the surrounding towns. The commune is the centre of the local economy. Timber processing factories ("Vox Industrie" S.A. in Obrzycko, "Gartenholtz - Hadryś" in Zielonagóra, "Moebel - Oase" in Brączewo) and construction plants (Zakład Produkcji Prefabrykatów "Betomont") together with the configuration of the area, is an table asset of the region. Potential investors would be attracted by extensive areas allocated for industrial construction, developed areas allocated for residential building and easy access to main transportation routes. Other factors that favour investment in the town and commune of Obrzycko include: new bridges over the Warta and Sama rivers, well developed water supply network with four water treatment stations, high percentage of hardened roads and streets as well as a telephone network covering all the towns of the commune. The areas surrounding the Obrzycko commune abound in historically and architecturally interesting buildings and monuments of nature. Tourist trails in Notecka Forest attract hikers and cyclists. The "Świetlista Dąbrowa" nature reserve is particularly attractive. The location in the area of the Notecka Forest, Gorzów Valley and Poznań Upland and the clean natural environment belong to the most interesting in Wielkopolska and make the town and commune the "green lungs" of Szamotuły County.

Communal Office:

Urząd Gminy / Urząd Miasta


Rynek 19, 64-520 Obrzycko


(0-61)2913065/2913072; (0-61)2913187 / 2913248


Andrzej Spychała/Tadeusz Kłos

Number of inhabitants:

4250 / 2308

Budget per capita (PLN):

861,3 / 1146,3

Area (km2):

110,7 / 3,7

Communal roads (km):

43,3 / 25,0

Water supply system (%):

72,6 / 100

Gas supply system (km):


Arable lands (km2):

49,8 / 1,9

Woods and forest grounds (km2):

53,4 / 0,6

Economic structure:

timber, construction materials, trade

Most important enterprises

"Gartenholz-Hadryś" Sp. z o.o., "Vox Industrie" S.A. Zakład Drzewny, Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcji Betonów i Montaży "BETOMONT", "Moebel Oase" Sp. z o.o.


497 / 475

Unemployment (registered):

10 / 150

Telephone owners per 1 000 inhabitants:

68,5 / 97,2

Contact person:

Andrzej Spychała / Tadeusz Kłos