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The Interwar History of the Polish Cavalry


By Marek Kiewel, ammeded with info by Pawel Szczolkowski and myself




This page was updated the last time on 7 March 2002


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The setting




After the Polish-Soviet war 1919-1921, the Polish army had 20 regular cavalry regiments (2 Light Horse - in Polish "szwoleżerów", and 18 Lancers - in Polish "ulanów") plus several volunteer cavalry regiments. After signing a military treaty with France in 1921, Poland was obliged to maintain an army of 10 corps with 30 infantry divisions and 10 cavalry brigades. The units were to be organised like this:

Infantry Division
      3 x infantry regiments
            3 x infantry battalions
      1 x light artillery regiment
            3 x light artillery battalions

Cavalry Brigade

      3 x cavalry regiments
             4 x line squadrons
             1 x HMG squadron
      1 x horse artillery battalion

The Polish order of battle included:
3 army inspectorates (Warszaw, Wilno, Lwów)
10 corps area commands (Warszawa, Lublin, Grodno, Lódz, Kraków, Lwów, Poznań, Toruń, Brest-Litowsk, Przemysl)
30 infantry divisions
10 cavalry brigades
90 infantry regiment (84 infantry, 6 mountain rifles)
30 (line) cavalry regiments (3 light horse, 27 lancers)
10 mounted rifles regiments (divisional cavalry)
30 light artillery regiments
10 heavy artillery regiments
1 mountain artillery regiment
1 heaviest artillery regiment
10 horse artillery battalions
5 tank battalions
10 car battalions (transport units)
3 aerial regiments (army air force)
5 balloon (or aerostatics) battalions
10 engineers regiments
3 signal regiments
3 railway regiments
and other units and sub-units

A note on the cavalry: The mounted rifles regiments were also cavalry, but the regiments would be disbanded on mobilisation, and their cavalry battalions would be parcelled out, each infantry division being given one for reconnaissance purposes (something like the French GRDIs). For that reason, the mounted rifle regiments were second-class units in eyes of Polish cavalrymen, and nobody wanted to serve in them. The problem ended in 1924 with the reorganisation of the cavalry arm, when the role of the mounted rifles was changed, and the regiments were organised as line cavalry and split into new units with the light horse and lancer regiments. This happened as follows:










The 1924 reorganisation




The mounted rifle regiments were now taken away from the divisions, and organised into cavalry brigades along with the regular cavalry regiments. The cavalry arm thus all in all consisted of 40 line regiments (3 light horse, 27 lancers, 10 mounted rifles). Divisional cavalry (reconnaissance battalions) were to be organised shortly before the breakout of war from the replacement squadrons of the line cavalry regiments. From the original 10 brigades and the mounted rifle regiments were organised 4 cavalry divisions (1st Bialystok, 2nd Warszawa, 3rd Poznan, 4th Lwów) of 3 brigades each, each brigade being of 2 regiments, and 5 independent cavalry brigades (four of 3 regiments, one of 4 regiments), 17 brigades in all.

1st Cavalry Division – Bialystok
      4th Cavalry Brigade - Wolkowysk
            2nd Lancers Regiment – Suwalki
            3rd Light Horse Regiment – Suwalki
      8th Cavalry Brigade – Bialystok
            10th Lancers Regiment – Bialystok
            3rd Mounted Rifles – Bialystok
      11th Cavalry Brigade – Augustowo
            1st Lancers Regiment – Augustovo
            9th Mounted Rifles – Grajewo

2nd Cavalry Division – Warszaw
      1st Cavalry Brigade
            1st Light Horse Regiment – Warszaw
            1st Mounted Rifles – Warszaw
      12th Cavalry Brigade – Ostroleka
            5th Lancers Regiment - Ostroleka
            7th Lancers Regiment – Minsk-Mazoviecki
      13th Cavalry Brigade – Plock
            11th Lancers Regiment – Czechanow
            4th Mounted Rifles Regiment – Plock

3rd Cavalry Division – Poznan
      7th Cavalry Brigade - Poznan
            15th Lancers Regiment - Poznan
            17th Lancers Regiment – Lissa
      14th Cavalry Brigade – Bydgoszcz
            16th Lancers Regiment - Bydgoszcz
            7th Mounted Rifles – Poznan
      15th Cavalry Brigade – Grudziadz
            18th Lancers Regiment – Grudziadz
            8th Mounted Rifles – Culm

4th Cavalry Division – Lwow
      10th Cavalry Brigade – Przemysl
            20th Lancers Regiment - Rzeszow
            10th Mounted Rifles Regiment – Lancut
      16th Cavalry Brigade – Lwow
             14th Lancers Regiment – Lwow
             6th Mounted Rifles – Zolkiew
      17th Cavalry Brigade – Hrubieszow
             24th Lancers Regiment - Krasnik
             2nd Mounted Rifles – Hrubieszow

2nd Cavalry Brigade – Rowno
3rd Cavalry Brigade - Wilno
5th Cavalry Brigade - Krakow
6th Cavalry Brigade - Stanislawow
9th Cavalry Brigade - Baranowiczi

The organisation of the units were as follows:

Cavalry Division - HQ and staff
      3 x Cavalry Brigades
            2 x cavalry regiments
      2 x horse artillery battalions
      1 x armoured car squadron
      1 pioneers squadron
      1 signal squadron

Independent Cavalry Brigade - HQ and staff
      3-4 cavalry regiments
      1 horse arty battalion
      1 pioneers squadron
      1 signal squadron

The largest of the independent brigades (the one with 4 cavalry regiments) also had 1 armored car squadron. The horse artillery was equipped with French 75mm (M1897) or ex-Russian 3-inch (M1902) guns. The armored cars were French - "Citroen-Kegresse" (90) and "Peugeot" (20). The individual cavalry regiments were organised as follows:

Cavalry Regiment – HQ
      1 x signal platoon
      4 x line squadrons
            4 x cavalry platoons
      1 x HMG squadron (MGs also pack on horses and on the carts)
      1 x replacement squadron

Also organised in 1924 was the "Korpus Ochrony Pogranicza" (KOP), the Frontier Protection Corps, with 20 infantry battalions and 20 cavalry squadrons - the best and most well-trained units in the Polish army.

After the coup d'etat of Jozef Pilsudski, the man who led Poland into independence in 1918, in May 1926, there was only one person who decided over matters in the Polish armed forces - Pilsudski himself. The whole top of the of the military hierarchy were reorganised. The First Marshall of Poland (his personal military rank awarded by the Polish parliament on his own request) disliked staff officers and staff work very much. All corps area commands were only territorial posts, without any operational competence, all divisions and brigades were controlled from Warsaw . He disbanded all (except 1) signal regiments and almost all engineer regiments, artillery was only support (not one of the main weapons), he overruled funds for AA and AT guns. Pilsudski didnt believe in any technical formations, for him the infantry was the main force of armed forces.




The 1929 reorganisation




In 1929 a number of changes were put through in the cavalry arm.
  - All armored units were concentrated into independent battalions under the Armored Weapons Command, and thus the armored car squadrons from the cavalry units were removed and grouped into 2 independent battalions. This concentration of armored vehicles under one separate command was to have repercussions later, when the 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade had to be formed without any tanks.
  - The cavalry divisions had shown themselves to be too cumbersome, a fact that became accepted after the fall maneuvers in 1928. During the spring of 1929, a new reorganisation of the cavalry was devised, and from 1929 to 1930, three of the four cavalry divisions were disbanded, and new brigades created of their regiments.
The 2nd Cavalry Division in Warsaw remained in existence because the divisional commander, general B. Wieniawa-Długoszowski, was a favourite aide de camp of Pilsudski from the WWI years and was one of his favourite officers after the war. Another reason would have been the fact, that the division controlled the only cavalry in the capital of Warszaw, thus acting as kind of a precautionary measure against any coup-attempt. The ease with which Pilsudski himself had moved into the capital in 1926 would have given food for thought.

Instead of concentrating the cavalry brigades into divisions and use them as the prime maneuver element, the idea was thus to conduct a manoeuver war with infantry divisions (on foot - Polish infantry was able to day-march up to 30 km and then go into combat), with the cavalry covering the flanks of the infantry.
Under ideal circumstances, it would have worked, but the speed with which the German tanks and trucks moved in September 1939 showed the concept to be outdated.
When the infantry was unable to keep pace, only the cavalry was thus left, but dispersed along the front, and in some cases even without heavy weaponry (see below), the task was unsolvable.

The new organisation of the cavalry was as follows:

      1 x cavalry division (6 regiments)
      12 x independent cavalry brigades
            - 2 of 4 regiments
            - 6 of 3 regiments
            - 4 of 2 regiments

The smallest brigades (those of only 2 regiments) didn't have any support - artillery, pioneers etc. Essentially only a combination of two cavalry regiments under a brigade HQ, there was little the smallest 4 brigades could do when faced by an enemy possessing heavy weapons. No criticism was accepted, though:
I 1930 or 1931, one of the officers of the General Staff during a briefing by his general asked why, in city Rowne, (one of the strategic regions on the border with USSR) there was located a 2-regiment cavalry brigade, without even one artillery gun? The answer was: “Because Marshall Pilsudski WANTS a 2-regimental cavalry brigade in the city of Rowne”. The Polish officers went from the briefing in silence.

In all, the cavalry consisted of the following after the reorganisation: 1,142 officers (incl. 3 generals), 3,644 professional NCOs, 27,125 privates and 22,781 horses (numbers as of on 8 July 1931).

While the above pretty much outlines the peace-time organisation of the cavalry, there were also certain measures only to be taken when war had broken out. Thus, for example, the mobilisation plans until 1934 included the formation of “light mixed divisions”, that were to be organised after the war had actually begun. They were to be organised like this:

Light Mixed Division

      1 x Cavalry Brigade
      1 x Motorised Infantry Regiment
      1-2 x artillery battalion (motorised)
      1 x Tankette Company
      1 x Light Tank Company
      1 x Armored Car Company
      1 x Engineer Company
      1 x Signals Company
      Divisional Services

When this measure was introduced into the mobilisation plans is uncertain…I would tend to say it was probably at the same time as the general reorganisation of the cavalry in 1929.  If so, then this measure would (depending on the number of the divisions to be organised) put the cavalry back in the role as the prime maneuver element.
Anyhow, given the problems Poland had with mechanising even two brigades in the late 1930s, it is a big question where the motorised regiments for these divisions would have come from. Probably realising this, the planned units were also removed from the mobilisation plans in 1934.

Even after Pilsudski's death in May 1935, the trust in infantry and cavalry only as deciding arms was still present in the Polish army, though other lines of though were also acted upon. The new General Inspector of the Armed Forces began buying AA and AT guns from the Swedish company of Bofors.

With the need for change being apparent, and the main stumbling block for it now out of the way, a number of ideas were brought forth for what to do with the cavalry:

Some officers put forth the idea of forming special light motorised units (3 in number, as a counterpart to the existing 3 German armored divisions), but the idea was never realised. They were to have been organised as follows:

Light Motorised Division

      2 x Cavalry Regiment
      2 x Infantry Battalion
      1 x Bicyclist Company

Another group of Polish officers (the so-called "young cavalry school") pushed for the formation of cavalry corps (9 to 12 cavalry regiments), probably out of desire to put the horsed cavalry back into the role of the prime maneuver element. They proposed the formation of 2 corps (each of 12 regiments) and 4 independent cavalry brigades (each of 4 regiments).

The new General Inspector (Marshal Edward Rydz-Smigly) had his own ideas, however: Initially he wanted to reorganise the cavalry into 11 uniformly organised brigades of 3 cavalry regiments each, and then motorise the remaining 7 regiments as a nucleus for future Polish armored brigades, or even divisions. While the need for modernisation was thus realised, the means to push it through were limited, and lack of funds and equipment set narrow limits for what could be done. The next reform came in 1937.




The 1937 Reorganisation




During the reorganisation of the Polish cavalry, that ended on 1 April 1937, the first steps towards its mechanisation were taken. Due to a lack of equipment (especially trucks), only the 10th Cavalry Brigade was motorised, however, and initially it also had no light tanks. The armored battalions were still under the control of the Command of Armored Service in the Ministry of Military Affairs, not the Department of Cavalry. One squadron of tankettes in the reconnaissance battalion was the only armor until the brigade was mobilised.

The 10th Independent Cavalry Brigade began its transformation into a motorised cavalry brigade in March 1937, with the following units:

10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade - Bde HQ
      1 x traffic control platoon
      1 x signal squadron
      1 x reconnaissance battalion
            1 x tankette squadron
            1 x motorised rifle squadron
      1 x AT battalion
            2 x companies (each of 9 Bofors gun 37mm)
      24th Lancers regiment
      10th Mounted Rifles regiment

After mobilisation was added:

      1 x motorised artillery battery
            1 x battery (with 4 guns 75mm)
            1 x motorised battery (with 4 howitzers 100mm)
      1 x tank battalion
            1 x tankette company
            1 x light tank company (Vickers E tanks)
      1 x motorised engineer battalion
            2 x motorised engineer companies
      1 x AA battery (4 x Bofors 40mm)
      brigade motorised services

As if the inter-departmental squabbles about the tanks were not enough, the cavalry itself also gave sore troubles.
Originally one of the 2-regiment brigades without support weapons, it contained the 10th Mounted Rifles and 20th Lancers, who were both slated to be motorised. When they learned of their planned fate, the commander and the entire officer corps of the 20th Lancers mutinied, however, and refused to execute the order about motorization. After a long back-and-forth, the commander of 24th Lancers instead voluntarily agreed to transfer his regiment to the newly motorised brigade in the 20th Lancers place.
While the 20th Lancers thus were granted their wish to remain horsed, it would ultimately prove to be the beginning of their end - the history of the 20th Lancers ended in September 1939, while the 24th (motorised, later armored) Lancers fought in Poland in 1939, France in 1940 and again in France in 1944 and Belgium, Holland and Northern Germany in 1944-45.

The largest part of the cavalry was exempt from the process of mechanisation, though changes also took place here. The regiments of the 11 independent and 2 of the 3 brigades of the 2nd Cavalry Division were reorganised into 11 independent cavalry brigades, all named after the provinces of Poland where they were stationed (the “Mazoviecka” Cavalry Brigade in I Corps Area, “Wolynska” and “Hrubieszow” CB´s in II Corps Area, “Wilensko” CB in II Corps Area, “Krakowska” CB in V Corps Area, “Kresowa” and “Podolska” CB´s in VI Corps Area, “Wielkopolska” CB in VII Corps Area, “Pomorska” CB in VIII Corps Area and the “Novogrodska” CB in IX Corps Area. The 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade was located in the II Corps Area).
They did not have a uniform number of regiments, but were allocated regiments as follows:

      6 brigades of 3 regiments
      5 brigades of 4 regiments

The 2nd Cavalry Division survived this reorganisation, although it lost all its subordinate brigades. As explained previously, two brigades were taken away from it to be reorganised along with the independent cavalry brigades. The remaining one, the 1st Cavalry Brigade, had had the only two cavalry regiments based in the capital of Poland, Warszaw, under its command, and it seems as if these were to be kept under one command – perhaps the memories of the coup of 1926, when few troops were under central control to crush the coup, might have had some significance. The division was also still needed to provide a post of seniority for its commander. Whatever the reason, it seems as if the Brigade HQ was simply disbanded, as its two regiments (1st Light Horse Regiment and the 1st Mounted Rifles Regiment) are hereafter mentioned as directly subordinate to the 2nd Cavalry Division.




Last minute changes




As world war two approached, the year 1939 saw a number of changes in the cavalry organisation to better cope with any coming attack.

Around Wielun in W-Poland, the 1st KOP (Border Defence Corps) Cavalry Regiment began forming. It was formed by taking cadres from 8 different KOP cavalry squadrons.

2nd Cavalry Division, having survived the 1937 reorganisation, only lasted little less than 2 years more. It was finally disbanded on 2 February 1939, at the same time when its commander, general Wieniawa-Długoszowski was sent to Rome as the Polish ambassador to Italy. Its two regiments were then put to different use, the 1st Light Horse Regiment joining the “Mazoviecka” Cavalry Brigade (the cavalry brigade of the Warszaw Military District), while the 1st Mounted Rifles Regiment was used to form the second mechanised brigade of the Polish army, the “Warszaw” Armored -Motorised Brigade. 

This unit began forming at the end of May. What is interesting about it is, that, contrary to the 10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade, that totally derived from the cavalry, the “Warszaw” brigade was dominated by the infantry.
The resistance against motorising the cavalry had been strong all the time, but it came to a peak now: When the 1st Mounted Rifle Regiment was motorised, its first two commanders refused to command a non-horsed unit, both staying only a month each. When the problem was finally solved by putting in a man from the infantry as commander, he requested that the cavalry and horse equipment stay in the regiment.
At the same time, the Cavalry Department refused to hand over any more cavalry regiments for mechanisation. Therefore, the second regiment of the brigade was created from independent rifle battalions. In effect, this meant, that all the commanders of the brigade came from the infantry arm.
The brigade was now organised as follows:

“Warsaw” Armor-Motorised Brigade - HQ with HQ platoon
      1 x traffic control platoon
      1 x signal squadron
      1 x reconnaissance battalion
      1 x AT battalion
      1 x motorised artillery battalion
            2 x batteries (75mm guns)
      1 x engineer battalion
      1 x tank battalion
      1st Mounted Rifles regiment
      1st Foot Rifles regiment

The brigade was still forming on 1 September 1939, and indeed had a long way to go before it was fully formed and trained. The drivers of the brigade only began training for their job on 22 July.

An even later initiative than the “Warszaw” armored-motorised brigade was a plan put forward by Lt. General Kazimierz Fabryczy. Lack of heavy weapon at cavalry brigades was the reason for his project, put forth in June 1939, that would have seen the 11 cavalry brigades reorganised into 9 light divisions, each organised as follows:

Light Division
      3 x horse cavalry regiments
      1 x motorised cavalry regiment
      1 x light tank battalion
      1 x motorised artillery battalion with 4 batteries
      1 x pioneer battalion (with horse squadron, mot. company, mining platoon)
      1 x armoured battalion (as a reconnaissance unit)

Given the time the plan was put forward, there was no time to review it, or even put it into effect: the Polish army was mobilising and preparing for war. The Polish cavalry started the war with 11 independent cavalry and 2 motorised brigades.




The Brigades at Mobilisation




When these last-minute changes had been put through, and right before the cycle of mobilisations began in March 1939, the cavalry brigades were thus allocated the following regiments:

The individual cavalry brigades had the following units allocated during by 1 September 1939 (it has to be remembered, that many detachments took place during mobilisation and:

“Mazoviecka” Cavalry Brigade
      1st Light Cavalry Regiment “Jozef Pilsudski”
      7th Lancers Regiment “Lubelskich”
      11th Lancers Regiment “Legionowych”
      1st Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Wolynska” Cavalry Brigade
      12th Lancers Regiment “Podoski”
      19th Lancers Regiment “Wolynskich”
      21st Lancers Regiment “Nadwislanskich”
      2nd Mounted Rifles Regiment
      2nd Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Wilenska” Cavalry Brigade
      4th Lancers Regiment “Zaniemenskich”
      13th Lancers Regiment “Wilenskich”
      23rd Lancers Regiment “Grodzienskich”
      3rd Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Suwalska” Cavalry Brigade

      3rd Light Cavalry Regiment “Mazowieckich”
      1st Lancers Regiment “Krechowieckich”
      2nd Lancers Regiment “Grochowskich”
      3rd Mounted Rifle Regiment
      4th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Krakow” Cavalry Brigade
      3rd Lancers Regiment “Slaskich”
      8th Lancers Regiment “Prince Jozef Pontiatowskiego”
      5th Mounted Rifles Regiment
      5th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Podolska” Cavalry Brigade

      6th Lancers Regiment “Kaniowskich”
      9th Lancers Regiment “Malopolskich”
      14th Lancers Regiment “Jazlowieckich”
      6th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Wielkopolska” Cavalry Brigade
      15th Lancers Regiment “Poznanskich”
      17th Lancers Regiment “Gnieznieskich”
      7th Mounted Rifles Regiment “Wielkopolskich”
      7th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Nowogrodzka” Cavalry Brigade
      25th Lancers Regiment “Wielkopolskich”
      26th Lancers Regiment
      27th Lancers Regiment
      4th Mounted Rifle Regiment “Ziemi Leczychiej”
      9th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Pomorska” Cavalry Brigade
      16th Lancers Regiment “Wielkopolskich”
      18th Lancers Regiment “Pomorskich”
      8th Mounted Rifles Regiment
      11th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Kresowa” Cavalry Brigade
      20th Lancers Regiment
      22nd Lancers Regiment “Podkarpakkich”
      6th Mounted Rifles Regiment
      1st KOP Cavalry Regiment
      13th Mounted Artillery Regiment

“Podlaska” Cavalry Brigade
      5th Lancers Regiment “Zaslawskich”
      10th Lancers Regiment “Litewskich”
      9th Mounted Rifles Regiment
      14th Mounted Artillery Regiment








The Polish army began its cycle of mobilisations in March 1939, when Germany and Hungary invaded and tore apart the rest of what was once Czechoslovakia, taking large tracts of land for themselves, and in the process establishing the independent state of Slovakia. The progressive mobilisations of the cavalry brigades looked as follows:

March 15
     10th Motorised Cavalry Brigade

March 23-25
     “Nowogródzka” Cavalry Brigade
      “Pomorska” Cavalry Brigade

August 13
     “Wolynska” Cavalry Brigade

August 24
     “Krakowska” Cavalry Brigade
      “Mazowiecka” Cavalry Brigade
      “Podlaska“ Cavalry Brigade
      “Suwalska” Cavalry Brigade
      “Wielkopolska” Cavalry Brigade
      “Wileńska” Cavalry Brigade

August 27
     “Podolska” Cavalry Brigade
      “Kresowa” Cavalry Brigade

August 30
     “Warszaw” Armored-Motorised Brigade

Each of the “regular” cavalry brigades were to have been organised in the following way:

Cavalry Brigade - HQ (on horses, with 1 (sic! one) persons car for the commander)
      3-4 x cavalry regiments
      1 x rifle battalion (on foot)
      1 x horse artillery battalion
            3-4 x horse artillery batteries (4 x 75mm guns)
      1 x motorised AA platoon (2 x Bofors 40mm)
      1 x armoured battalion (for reconnaissance) - HQ (1 x armoured car)
            1 x squadron of armoured cars (7 x armored cars)
            1 x squadron of tankettes (13 x tankettes)
      1 x bicyclist squadron
      1 x pioneer squadron + bridging equipment (a 30-m pontoon bridge)
      1 x signal squadron
            2 x radio stations type N1 for tactical correspondence
            1 x radio station type RKD for operational correspondence
      brigade services (on horses and horse-drawn carts), 6 on horses train columns

The main unit in these brigades, the cavalry regiments, were organised like this:

Cavalry Regiment – HQ
      4 x line squadrons (each of HQ section, admin section, 3 cav platoons)
      1 x HMGs sqdn (12 HMGs in 4 platoons)
      1 x bicyclists platoon (at regiments of Wielkopolan and Pomeranian Bdes a full squadron)
      1 x AT platoon (4 Bofors 37mm)
      1 x signal platoon (2 radio stations type N2 for tactical communications)
      1 x equipment (supply) sqdn
      horse regimental train

As can be seen, it was not only a question of bringing the regiments up to strength, but also of adding a host of supporting units. Among these were the rifle battalions, that were to be allocated on the basis of one to each cavalry brigade. In the pre-war army, the three existing rifle battalions were considered elite, light infantry units, with their own artillery platoons and AT guns platoons, the 1st Battalion in the city Chojnice, the 2nd in the city Tczew (both cities in the Pomeranian Corridor) and 3rd at the small town Rembertów (near Warsaw) as a training elite unit in "Centrum Wyszkolenia Piechoty" (Infantry Instructions Center - something like School of Infantry at Fort Benning, Georgia, USA). The Navy also had two (1st and 2nd) Marine Rifle Battalions, as a core of Land Defence of the Coast.
These were far from enough, though, and additional rifle battalions were formed by regular infantry regiments. This happened as follows:

Mobilised rifles battalions as of 1 September 1939:

1st and 2nd (pre-war units) - for the “Pomorska” Cavalry Brigade
3rd (pre-war unit) - for the “Mazowiecka” Cavalry Brigade
4th (from the 31st infantry regiment at Sieradz) - for the “Kresowa” Cavalry Brigade
5th (from the 32nd infantry regiment at Modlin) - for the “Nowogródzka” Cavalry Brigade
7th (from the 68th infantry regiment at Wrzenia) - for the “Podolska” Cavalry Brigade
11th (from the 43rd infantry regiment at Dubno) - for the “Wolynska” Cavalry Brigade

1st Foot Rifle Regiment (TOE as a motorised cavalry regiment) was organised from a cadre of the Infantry Instructions Centre at Rembertów - commander and some officers were drafted from units of 14th inf div)

Other than that, a 6th Rifles Battalion is also mentioned by some sources in the “Nowogrodzka” Cavalry Brigade, but the official history of Army "Modlin" does not confirm that).
Finally, some brigades also had ordinary infantry, or ON (Home Guard) battalions attached. The “Wolynska” Cavalry Brigade thus had the IVth bn of the 84th inf regt, and the “Krakowska” Cavalry Brigade had the ON battalion "Koszęcin" (also known as ON battalion "Lubliniec");






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