Tadeusz Kosciuszko Gallery of Paintings Click on image for enlargement
| Tadeusz Kosciuszko taking the oath to liberate Poland from oppression on Krakow's Market Square. Oil 104x118 cm. by Franciszek Smuglowicz 1797. In the collection of Poznan's National Museum |
| The Oath by Tadeusz Kosciuszko on Krakow's Market Square on March 24, 1794. A gouache painting by Michal Stachowicz date April 7, 1804, by the artist who was an eyewitness to the event. Kosciuszko is repeating the oath after Aleksander Linowski. Next to him stands General Jozef Wodzicki, the commander of the Krakow regiment. Above Kosciuszko are the regimental colors. 47x73 cm. In the collection of the Polish Army Museum. |
Kosciuszko at Raclawice. Fragment, by Jan Matejko 465 x 897 cm. Krakow's National Museum. Events of April 4, 1794. Kosciuszko, on horseback, reviews his formations. He is being greeted enthusiastically by the peasants who, armed with pikes made from reshaped scythes, contributed significantly by their valor to a stunning victory in a battle against superior Russian forces during the initial phases of the Kosciuszko Uprising.
Kosciuszko wounded at the battle of Maciejowice. Oil painting by Jan Bogumil Plersch
Poznan's National Museum. Portraying the events of October 10, 1794. The gravely wounded Kosciuszko, still on horseback, is surrounded by Kossaks and a Russian Dragoon. An officer of the Polish National Cavalry is rushing to the rescue. Unconscious, Kosciuszko was taken prisoner. |
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