Distinguished Polish Personalities
Józef Bem: General; Polish and Hungarian Leader
Nicholas Copernicus: He who Moved the Earth
Nicolaus Copernicus: His Place in the History of Astronomy
When the Earth Moved: Copernicus and his Heliocentric System
Walery Goetel: Geologist, Ecologist, Conservationist
Wladyslaw Hasior: Notable 20th Century Artist
Abandoned Banners: Wladyslaw Hasior (1928 - 1999)
Impudent Artist
Death of an Artist
Sculptures: The Firebirds
Sculptures: The Iron Organs
Poetic Meanings of Utilitarian Objects
Household Chapels Cycle
John Paul II: Pontiff - Karol Wojtyla
Jan Karski: Wartime Courier and Hero
A Note by Michael Szporer
Ryszard Kapuscinski: Third World Journalist Extraordinary
From Reporting to Literature
Idi Amin Dada and African Dictatorships
Janusz Korczak: Author, Educator and Hero
Tadeusz Kosciuszko: A Military Genius
Kosciuszko's Victory at Raclawice
The Military Genius of Tadeusz Kosciuszko
Tadeusz Kosciuszko: A Polish Son of Liberty
Kosciuszko and West Point
Gallery of Monuments
Gallery of Monuments - Slideshow
Gallery of Portraits
Gallery of Portraits - Slideshow
Gallery of Historical Paintings
Ryszard Kuklinski: A Patriot of Courage and Conviction
Book Review: A Secret Life
Rafal Lemkin and Genocide
Jan Matejko: Painter and Patriot
Jan Matejko, Fostering Polish Nationalism
Understanding Matejko'sThe Battle of Grunwald
Adam Mickiewicz: a Cultural Icon
Adam Mickiewicz, Poet, Patriot and Prophet
Andrzej Wajda and the filming of Pan Tadeusz
The Storyline and Context of Andrzej Wajda's film Pan Tadeusz
Czeslaw Milosz: Poet and Nobel Laurate
Avantgarde & Classicism
Rescuing Poetry
Campo di Fiori
Triumphal Poems
"Ars Poetica"
About Emigration
Polish Character
Milosz - The Moralist
Milosz - The Translator
The Socrealism
Ignacy Jan Paderewski: Patriot and Piano Virtuoso
Paderewski: Sensational Pianist
Patriot, Composer, Piano Virtuoso, Philanthropist, Statesman
Kazimierz Pulaski: Father of American Cavalry
The Deeds of Kazimierz Pulaski
Gallery of Monuments
Gallery of Paintings
Commemorative Stamp
Commemorative Postal Card
Wladyslaw (Wladyslaw)
Reymont: Master of Descriptive Prose
The Promised Land: Lódz was waking
Keen Observer and Master of Descriptive Prose
Strike! Adapting to the Industrial Revolution
Autobiographical Notes of the Nobel Laureate
Reymont in America
The Nobel Prize: A Bitter Irony
"The Promised Land:" Three comments
Wajda and the making and revising of The Promised Land
Wajda's use of Contrasts: Aesthetics and Style
The Knightly Ethos: Its Disintegration
Tadeusz Rozewicz: A Giant of Polish Postwar Literature
The Witnesses - Text and Subtext
Bruno Schulz: Creator of Dream-like Fiction
Bruno Schulz Timeline
Bruno Schulz and Psychoanalsis: The Images of Women in August
Irena Sendler: WWII Rescuer and Hero
Bona Sforza: Poland's Italian Queen
Poland's Italian Queen
Henryk Sienkiewicz: the Most Translated Author
Henryk Sienkiewicz and Quo Vadis
Letters from Africa (excerpts)
Forum Romanum (excerpts from Quo Vadis)
The Intricacies of Translation
Isaac Bashevis Singer: Yiddish Author and Nobelist
How the Singer Brothers Came to Be in America
Karol Szymanowski: a Leading Composer for the Stage
A Leading Composer of the Modern Music Theater
Wislawa Szymborska, the Mozart of Poetry
Poem: Some Like Poetry
Poem: The End and the Beginning
Delightful Inventiveness, Prodigious Imagination
Six October 1996 Warsaw Voice articles
In Buffalo: The Search for the Word: a guided tour of the exhibition
In Krakow: Wislawa Szymborska's Seeking the Word
Szymborska's Manuscripts
Stanislaw Wyspianski: Painter and Formost Dramatist
Witkacy: S. I. Witkiewicz: Avant-garde Dramatist and Artist
Witkacy's Search for Self: An Introduction
Witkacy: Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz 1885-1939
The Theater of Life or The Search for Self
Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II: Pontiff
Monuments in Poland
Do not be afraid
Look to Home
Was the Pope Polish? Yes, Thank God
The Warsaw Ghetto
Life and Death in the Ghetto established by the Germans
Gallery 1
1938: The Jewish population of Warsaw
Gallery 2
"Blood was ... staining his white beard"
Death sentence for leaving illegally the Jewish residential district
"Every step a corpse"
"Mendele had bloody diarrhea"
Gallery 3
July 22, 1942: A massive "Resettlement" begins
"Now the selection . . ."
"Who looked around, got killed . . ."
"To all who volunteering for relocation - three kilos of bread..."
August. 3, 1942: Concealment of Ringelblum's Archive
September 8, 1942: After the Deportation of 400,000 people
January 19, 1943: Determination to Resist Deportation with Force
Poles, Citizens, Freedom's Soldiers
April 19, 1943: Orders from Himmler - Destroy the Ghetto
Gallery 4
"All ... were taken alive. The lives of none were spared"
"Jews were burnt to death . . ."
"Some swore . . ."
May 8, 1943: The uprising's leaders die by their own hand . . .
May 19, 1943: ". . . we succeed in destroying 56,065 Jews"
April 19, 1993: On the 50th anniversary
Poetry Room
Itzhak Katzenelson: I had a Dream
Tadeusz Rózewicz: The Living Were Dying
Wislawa Szymborska: Still
Czeslaw Milosz: Campo dei Fiori
Mieczyslaw Jastrun: Here Too as in Jerusalem
Impediments to Survival
Exiting the Ghetto
Sheltering on the Aryan Side
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