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The 1994 Warsaw Uprising - An assertion of sovereignty and hope.

The cathedral of St. John collapsed to-day

August 15, 1944

The Germans shelled the hopital - the surviving patients took shelter in the cellars - what happened to them thereafter? Did the Germans murder them all as they had on Wolska Street. I interrupt my writing because coupled 40 mm mortars are firing on the Old Town, The German Air Force is overhead umpteen times a day - they bomb without any difficulty - Ave Maria.

The cathedral of St. John collapsed to-day, other churches also. Non licet! Ave! The shelling from the artillery and the mortars makes one's head swell. A starry night of drops. From time to time, among the stars one explodes in a multicolored burst of an antiaircraft shell - the planes come in low, Explosions of shells above the roofs. In the beams of the searchlights, six parachutes. One plane is hit. In the light of early dawn, an antitank gun is being pulled on its pneumatic tires by our boys along Mysłowicka St.

From the diary of Leopold Buczkowski
transl: Peter K. Gessner


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