InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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> The Kings of Poland: 960-1790

Directory of InfoPoland pages listing notable Polish individuals

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44 images pencil on paper, 1890-92
6800 words
49 visuals
A 5-part annotated gallery inspired by a series of Polish stamps issued in the period 1986-2000 with portraits of Polish rulers. The portraits are based on paintings by the famous artist Jan Matejko (1838-1893).
1,700 words
40 images
A short history of Poland illustrated with the portraits of the Polish Kings. These are fragments of the larger paintings of the company of Polish kings by Jan Matejko (1838-1893). For many of them, their phisionomies are unknown and thus represent the imagination of the painter..
1,700 words
40 images
A project devised as a resource for study of national history by students in the 2nd year class of the Polish secondary schools. Individual annotated pages for each king bear a charcoal portrait created by Jan Matejko. Additionally, these pages are indexed by Dynasties, listings of Elected Kings, of those of Foreign Origin, via a timeline and alphabetically
1,700 words
40 images
Colored reproductions of Jan Matejko's (1838-1893) portraits of Polish Kings. For many of the Kings their physionomies are unknown and the portraits painted by Matejko thus represent the informed imagination of the painter. Each portrait is provided with an annotation giving basic details about the monarch.
40 visuals Closely apposed reproductions of Matejko's colored protraits of the Polish Kings presented without any historical detail
extensive Richly annotated listing of Polish Kings
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