Polish Academic Information Center's
listings for Polish Studies at:
helping American students interested in study
abroad in Poland or Polish Studies in the US
Indiana University Northwest
Gary, Indiana 46408
tel. 219-980-6500
Polish Studies at Indiana University Northwest
The Institution
Indiana University Northwest campus in Gary is adjacent to 240 acres of wooded park land, much of which as currently developed includes municipal playing fields, baseball diamonds, and golf courses. The institution serves the highly diverse area of n
orthwest Indiana, a complex setting that includes urban, rural, industrial, and metropolitan characteristics. It provides programs of high quality at the undergraduate and graduate levels and enriches the life of the region by broadly
conceived educational and cultural events appropriate to a university. It also has the unique distinction of having the most racially and ethnically diverse student body of any college or University in the state.
Northwest Polish Studies Center
The Center, which opened in the Fall of 1998, is to offer a wide range of activities both cultural and academic aimed at broadening understanding of the issues important to contemporary Poland and Central Europe. It is to operate an academic and student e
xchange program with Wroclaw University in Poland, sponsor conferences, offer scholarships and promote awareness of issues involving Poland, Central and Eastern Europe. The Center will be devoted specifically to the study of Polish issues and will make it
possible for a student to participate in an exchange program and receive full credit for the courses they take in Poland.
Poland-related Courses
History D431 D431 Eastern Europe since World War II
History ... History of Poland
Education L524 Language Education Issues in Bilingual and Multicultural Education
A survey of language education issues related to the linguistic abilities and educational needs of students requiring bilingual or bidalectal instruction
Among course objectives are the use of ESL standards to meet the ESL needs of Polish and non-English speakers; to examine ESL issues in Poland and the U.S.A. from an ethnographic perspective; and to present the study to professional colleagues in Poland a
nd the United States.
Resource Faculty - Faculty involved in Poland-related courses or scholarship
Bloom, Jack, Adjunct Associate Professor of History and Academic Director, Polish Studies Center
Ph.D., Sociology, University of California , Berkeley.
Phone: 219 980-6858 / Fax: (219) 980-6972 / E-Mail: jbloom@iun.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: modern Polish history
- "Researching the Polish Revolution Using Life Histories to Illuminate the Macro-Historical Process" at the Southern Sociological Society in Atlanta, 1998
- "How Social Upheaval from Below Affects the Ruling Group's Ability to Act: The Case of Poland, 1980-1981," at the American Sociological Association meeting in San Francisco, 1998
Chary, Frederick B., Professor of History
Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1968
Phone: 219 980-6974
/ Fax: ... / E-Mail: fchary@iun.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: polish history
META FACULTY - Faculty who have studied in Poland
Dziarski, Roman, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology
Ph.D. National Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw, Poland, 1997
Phone: (219) 980-6535 / Fax: (219) 980-6566 / E-Mail: rdziar@medediun.indiana.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Mechanisms of host responses to bacterial products; Devlopment of new pharmacologic
agents that can interrupt signal transduction pathways that lead to overproduction of cytokines
Poland-related Resources
Frank B. Roman Collection in the Calumet Regional Archives
Mr. Roman having served as a president and principal supporter of the Polish American Historical Association, the collection contains some files of newsletters and papers from that body and more generally materials pertaining to Poles in Northwest Indi
ana. Of very special interest is the series dealing with the founding of a religious mission in Poland. The Czartorysk series contains diaries and correspondence of Mr. Roman (known in that period as Brother Roman Witowski) and other mem
bers of the Congregation of the Holy Cross as the CSC attempted to establish a Polish mission in the 1920s, succeeding in the mid-1930s. The series contains primary information about the struggle and hardships faced by the missionaries, including their ca
pture by Soviet armed forces during the invasion of Poland in 1939. @