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Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202
tel. 317.274.4591
The Institution
Founded in 1969, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, an urban institution, came into being when the leaders of Indiana University and Purdue University decided, in cooperation with their counterparts in state government, to blend their respective Indianapolis programs into a single university. Among the units of the University is the Indiana University Medical Center, the nation's second largest such facility and the Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, as well as 21 other schools rendering it Indiana's third largest and most comprehensive university.
The University's webpages currently list no courses in the area of Polish Studies, or ones bearing on Poland-related matter. However, as detailed below, a couple of the faculty members have Poland-related interests, while others have studied and received degrees at Polish institutions of higher education.
Faculty - Faculty involved in Poland-related scholarship
Cole, Daniel H., M. Dale Palmer Professor of Law
J.S.D. Stanford Law School, 1996.
Phone: (317) 274-2340 / Fax: (317) 278-3326 / E-Mail: dcole@iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: environmental and natural resources law,
international environmental law, and property. He also writes extensively
about Poland and Polish law.
- Instituting Environmental Protection: From Red to Green in Poland, New York, St. Martin's 1998
- Environmental Protection in Transition: Economic, Legal, and Socio-Political
Perspectives on Poland, Ashgate 1998 (co-edited with John Clark)
- From Renaissance Poland to Poland's Renaissance: Reflections on Mark Brzezinski's "The Struggle for Constitutionalism
in Poland," Michigan Law Review, 97: 2062-2102, 1999.
Kovacik, Karen, Assistant Professor of English
Ph.D., Ohio State University.
Phone: (317) 274-9831 / Fax: ... / E-Mail: kkovacik@iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:are 20th-century American poetry and working-class studies
POLAND RELATED SCHOLARSHIP: Has translated contemporary Polish poetry into English
META FACULTY - Faculty who have either studied in Poland
Klimek, Slawomir, Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., Warsaw University, 1988
Phone: (317)274-8187 / Fax: ... / E-Mail: sklimek@math.iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Mathematical Physics
Misiurewicz, Michal, Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., Warsaw University, 1974
Phone: (317)274-8101 / Fax: ... / E-Mail: mmisiure@math.iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Dynamical Systems
Namyslowski, Jan, Assistant Professor of Radiology
M.D., Warsaw Medical Academy, 1981
Phone: 317 274-1840 / Fax: ... / E-Mail: jnamyslo@iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Interventional radiology.
Papiez, Lech, Associate Scientist, Indiana University School of Medicine
- Ph.D., Silesian University, Katowice, Poland
Phone: (317) 274-1188 / Fax: .(317) 274-2486 / E-Mail: lpapiez@iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Transport theory of charged particles - Boltzman equation, inverse problems in medical physics, dosimetric and efficiency evaluations of special techniques and devices in radiation therapy
- Podgorski, Krzysztof, Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D. Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, 1991
Ph.D. Michigan State University, 1993
Phone: (317) 274-8070 / Fax: / E-Mail: kpodgorski@math.iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Bootstrap and other Resampling Methods, Ergodic Theory, Stochastic Processes
Wojciechowski, Krzysztof P. Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., Polish Academy of Sciences, 1982
Phone: ((317)274-6934
/ Fax: ... / E-Mail: kwojciechowski@math.iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Global Analysis
Ziemian, Krystyna, Mathematical Sciences
Ph.D., Warsaw University, 1985
Phone: (317)274-8101 / Fax: ... / E-Mail: kziemian@math.iupui.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Dynamical Systems
Page last updated 09/29/05