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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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Links Size Comments
9 lessons Intended for those with no knowledge of Polish. Introduction, basic information about the language, and 9 lessons with exercises
20 webpages University of Illinois Urbana-Campaign pages for a course in the language
3 links Several links to pages with simple Polish phrases with pronunciation guides
seven words A sampling of what a 200+ page course - available for purchase - that, it is claimed, will enable one to learn an amazing amount in less than a few hours and remember what was learned
860 words Webpage presents the Polish alphabet with some pronaunciation guidelines
100 pages Polish language tests / vocabulary exercises. Each exercise is comprised of 20 tests involving choosing the correct word and learning whether it is correct. One of many language combinations provided by the Goethe Institute.
100 pages Vocabulary exercises of English translation of Polish language texts. Each exercise is comprised of 20 tests involving choosing the correct word and learning whether it is correct. Companion to preceeding site. One of many language combinations provided by the Goethe Institute.
12 phrases A few essential phrases for the non-Polish speaker with audio.
One page A Yahoo forum for people all over the world learning the Polish language and helpers.
1,410 words
255 links
Website provides information about pronunciation, basic words and phrases, cases, nouns, diminutives, verbal nouns. Pronouns, adjectives, comparatives, superlatives, verbs, numbers, time and dates, prepositions, conjunctions. A Brian Huebner website.
1,130 words
or phrases
Page gives the Polish and Check translations of English words and phrases. A Brian Huebner webpage.
300 words
or pharases
Page gives the Polish, Check, Slovak, Slovene and Lithuranian translations of English words and phrases. A Brian Huebner webpage.
One page 25 words or sayings with audio pronunciation
19 webpages Website tries to explain the Polish language. Because of the complexity of it's grammar, this cannot cover all details but does coverPronunciation, grammar, Verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, numerals, particles, and sentence structure.
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