Slavic Gods
In 1917, Zofia Stryjefiska created a lithograph cycle of 16 Bozkowie Slowianscy (Slavic Gods): Boh, Tryglaw, Pogoda, Swarog -z Radogoszczy, Warwas z Rugii, Lubin, Dydek, Lelum, Radegast, Weles, Kupala, Swiatowid, Perkun, Marzanna, Dziedzilia, and Cyca. There was, as Danuta Bardoska remids us, little information in either ancient chronicles or Polish literature on this pantheon of Slavic gods and these were imaginative creations on Styjenska's part. She cites Tadeusz Dobrowolski's statement "the Slavic Olympus, created magically and literally out of nothingness, convinces with its artisitc truthfulness and forces upon the viewer its specific reality." The creation of this cycle brought wide recognition to Styjenska. Two of the 16 images are reproduced below.Clicking on either image links to their original site of their display. |

Another image of a Slavic deity created by Stryjenska is that of Perkun, the head Baltic deity, associated with lightning, thunder and fire. Dated 1934, it presumably doesn't belong to the cycle she created in 1917. Posted on Dr. Piotr Wiench website in a negativized form, it was restored to on Dr. Kathleen Jenks website to its original colors. It is presented here on an info-poland webpage in such a way that clicking on the image acts as toggle switch, alternating between the two, an effect that may be remindful of lightning and appropriate to the nature of the deity. |