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Andrzej Wajda's Favourites |
1 painting |
Tetmajer's painting of "Symbolic Landscape with a White Figure (Orchard)." "A beautiful painting, worth remembering, created with absolute selflessness." |
Galeria Malarstwa Polskiego |
17 paintings |
A gallery of paintings with links to biography (94 words) and biographical pages (4 books). |
Gallery of Polish Painting Masterpieces |
2 paintings |
Tetmajer's painting "Folk Dancing" and "Achievements (the Artist's Family)" |
Wartime Losses: Polish Paintings |
2 paintings |
Tetmajer's paintings "Bidding Farewell in a Village near Cracow Before Battle" and "In the Cottage" |
General sources and locations of paintings at top: from the left
"Folk Dancing", Lvov Picture Gallery, Ukraine
"Swieci Cyryl i Metody", 1909, Fragment polichromii
"Koronacja Najswietszej Marii Panny", 1904-1906, Fragment polichromii
"Widok Wawelu od zachodu z zabudowa ulicy Rybaki", c. 1891, National Museum, Cracow