InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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> Doing Business in Poland
Polish Government sites
Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency established in June 2003 as a merger of Polish Agency for Foreign Investment (PAIZ) and Polish Information Agency (PAI). - searchable site: information re: the economy, investment conditions and procedures, legal issues, publications, etc. PAIZ helps establish business partnership and contacts with authoriti es and business organizations.
Office of Public Procurement (PPO) - public procurement system in Poland, relevant laws, procedures and types of tendering, requests for quotations, etc.
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development - a governmental agency for economic development particularly as this applies to small and medium-size enterprises, regional and human resources development, promotion of modern technologies, exports, and job creation.
Commercial Counselor's Office of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in New York City - A variety of commercial and business information about Poland and Polish business venture in the US.
Other Organizations in Poland
TeleAdreson - Polish Company Directory - Site provides for named companies the address (including: street and number, zip code, voivodship) Telecommunication data (telephone, fax, komertel, EMAIL, WWW) , Contact persons, Ownership, Le gal status, Description of company's activity with the NACE and the SIC classification codes, Year of foundation, Annual turnover and Number of employees
Masterpage: The Poland Library - An electronic library of information concerning business activities in Poland and Eastern Europe. The library contains reader submitted information about the latest business, economic, social and polit ical developments in Poland. The page maintains brief descriptions of the articles contributed during the most recent two month period. Click on the title to see the complete article. Use the search engine to search the entire library. Reported as the m ost visited business site in Poland
Warsaw Stock Exchange - quotations on-line; daily quotations; market data, about the exchange; securities; listed companies; exchange members; educations/glossary
Polish Market Review - Market intelligence for the business professional.
American Chamber of Commerce in Poland - premier economic organization representing American companies on the Polish market.
US Government sites
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) - Poland Factbook: Geography, poeple, government, economy, communication, transportation, military, transnational issues. Frequently reproduced by commercial organizations .
U.S. Embassy in Poland - Public Affairs, Press, Cultural Offices, The American Information Resource Center, Consular, Agricultural, Commercial, and Consular Section, the latter providing American Citizen Services.
U.S. Companies in Poland - A 1998 list compiled by the Commercial Service of the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw
U.S. Department of Commerce -Country Commercial Guide: Poland Compiled by U.S. Commercial Service . . . Poland
Other Organizations in the U.S.
Polish-American Chamber of Commerce of the Southeast United States - established in 1993 for the purpose of fostering trade, commerce, and understanding between the United States, Florida, the Americas, and Poland.
Polish-American Chamber of Commerce of Chicago, IL - Primarily an organization of businesses catering to the Chicago Polish-American Community.
Polish American Chamber of Commerce of Florida and the Americas - Primarily an organization of businesses catering to the Chicago Polish-American Community
U.S. Poland Chamber of Commerce - New England - A not-for-profit organization with the mission of building business opportunities between the United States and Poland - component of Polish American Networking Organization.
International Agency sites
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) - Overview of EBRD activities and key objectives; EBRD signed projects in Poland; Investment Profile 2001 .
Republic of Poland and the IMF - Over 150 webpages of County Reports and other documents posted by the IMF since 1991
A Look at the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund from a Polish Perspective - A guide to relevant info World Bank and IMF sites

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