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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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1,910 words Website consists of four webpages describing the Lublin region, exploring historic, uspoilt and traditional Lublin and also discussing it as a region of historically of religious co-existence.
815 words A introduction to the city, its history, and its attractions
3,970 words Page describes the efforts of a foundation to save and restore a theater in the Old Town of Lublin which has survived without any major wartime damages or transformations from the plan marked out in the Middle Ages, making it one of the most valuable monumental urban-architectural complexes in Poland.
4,305 words Webpage addresses the topinc of restoration of the Old Theater in Lublin, a contemporary cultural project in a historical context, the aim of which is the creation of a cultural centre in Lublin of nationwide and international renown.
4 maps Street maps of Lublin for the years: 1829, 1875, 1912 and 1931
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