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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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Basic Information
Poland in the World
Maps of Poland
POLAND shaded relief - size: 624 x 400 pixels
     international boundries, towns, rivers, country statistics
POLAND political - size: 1048 x 1244 pixels
     international and provincial boundries, provincial capitals, railways, expressways, road, rivers
POLAND shaded relief - size: 1056 x 1244 pixels
     international and provincial boundries, provincial capitals, railways, expressways, road, rivers
POLAND new provinces - size: 372-394 pixels
     pre and post 1999 provincial boundries; listing of pre and post 1999 provincial capitals
POLAND small and simplest - size: 351 x 377 pixels
     national borders, major towns, adjoining countries.
POLAND/USA area comparisons - size: 372 x 394 pixels
     national and state boundries
Specialized Maps of Poland
POLAND mineral resources - size: 663 - 606 pixels
POLAND population density - size: 712 x 764 pixels
     persons/sq kilometer (0,60,100,200,400, +)
POLAND economic activity - size: 712 x 764 pixels
     mining and metallurgy, shipbuilding, machinery, textile and clothing, chemical, food processing, petroleum refining, light industry, hard coal, brown coal, iron ore. copper, lead and zinc
POLAND land use - size: 712 x 764 pixels
     urban, forest, maedow, field crops, mixed farming, orchards
Central and Eastern Europe
OUTLINE MAP political (1999) - in pdf format
RELIEF MAP shaded (1984) - size: 1014 x 11846 pixels
ETHNIC GROUPS 1995e - size: 1012 x 1326 pixels
     Poles, Ukrainians, Germans, Checks, Slovaks ...
Cities and Towns
KRAKOW center/old town - size: 655 x 720 pixels
WARSAW central area - size: 754 x 684 pixels
WARSAW historical development - size: 822 x 1078 pixels
     boundries in the 16th, 17th, 18-19th Centuries, in 1939, 1965, and at present.
Historical Maps
EUROPE political - in June 1914 - size: 693 x 774 pixels
Judaic History
JEWISH EXPULSIONS AND RESETTLEMENT AREAS in Europe 1000 -1500 - size: 450 x 344 pixels
EMANCIPATION OF EUROPEAN JEWRY - 1789 to 1930 - size: 470 x 453 pixels
POGROMS AND ANTISEMITIC ACTS OF VIOLENCE - in Russia and the Pale 1871-1906 - size: 450 x 435 pixels
JEWISH POPULATION OF EUROPE in 1939 - size: 470 x 410 pixels
KRISTALLNACHT - German cities where synagogues were destroyed on on November 9, 1938 - size: 400 x 355 pixels
NAZI CREATED JEWISH GHETTOS in Europe - size: 378 x 378 pixels
RAILROADS LEADING TO AUSCHWITZ - carrying victims to the Nazi concentration camp - size: 491 x 484 pixels
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