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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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11,145 words total Couched in terms of a visit, site has many photographs and evidences significant knowledge and reaserch but is written in clear prose. The site has pages on the camp, its gas chambers, crematorium, mausoleum and old photographs. It also has a page dovoted to Field III, that part of the camp that the Soviet NKWD employed after the war to imprison Polish patriots prior to sending them to Syberia.
3,650 words, 20+ illistrations The website of the Polish State Museum established to preserve the concentration camp the Germans built in Lublin during their WWII occupation of Poland. In operation from October 1941 to July 1944, it was the second largest Nazi concentration camp in Europe. Pages devoted to the camp, its mueum, collections, archives, research and publishing, to visiting and education, the preservation of exhibits, and current events.
680 words,
or 2 photos
Site gives details of the camp, its operation, the demographics of its prisoner population, etc.
9,525 words Report of a Soviet and Polish commission of inquiry set up by the after the liberation of the Majdanek concentration camp in 1944 to investigate German crimes at the camp.
125 words,
5 photos
Five historic photograph with captions
850 words,
8 photos
Descriptive material about the camp
535 words, map Includes map and notes on the layout of the camp.
460 words Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - article
1,145 words Simon Wiesenthal Center's Majdanek page. Information about the SS run camp, its Structure, Inmates, Commandants, Resistance in the camp, the trials of camp staff, and about the Majdanek Museum
1,045 words Excerpts from a report by Alexander Werth, a correspondent for the London Sunday Times and the BBC, who accompanied the Soviet troops and described the camp a month after its capture. At the time, the BBC refused to air his report of the camp as his description was so unbelievable.
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