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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
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a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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> Katyn Forest Massacre - 1940

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6,100 words An article by Benjamin B. Fischer published in Studies in Intelligence, a CIA publication. Subtitles: The Killing Field; Katyn in America; A Terrible--and Partial--Truth Emerges; New Evidence From an Old Source; The Pendulum Swings Back; New Allegations. Cached
29 webpages In the Katyn Forest , in 1940 on Stalin's orders, the NKVD shot and buried over 4000 Polish Army officers that had been taken prisoner when the Soviet Union invaded Poland in September 1939 in support of the Nazis. The site tells the story and provides documentation.
1,920 words An exhibit of an Electronic Museum located in Hamilton, Canada. A short introduction and a listing of the Polish officers murdered by orders of Stalin in the Katyn forest in April 1940.
250 words How the matter of the responsability for the Katyn massacre has dealt a 2004 blow to Polish-Russian relations.
20 webpages A collection of family accounts by children of Polish officers murdered by the Soviet NKWD on Stalin's order in 1940 at Katyn Twer, Charkow and other locations. Also a preface and an introduction.
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