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>Poland's History - Early Middle Ages (960 - 1400)

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Source Size Link and Content Year
The Beginnings of the Polish State from a presentation by Prof. Henry Lang 3,760 words Mieszko I and Boleslaw Chrobry - The Piast dynasty; Statehood; Christianity via Bohemia; The Dagome iudex; Saint Adalbert; Emperor Otto III at Gniezno; The Council at Gniezno; Boleslaw crowned King of Poland; Decline and restoration
From: Neal Pease's 1994 Historical Setting a part of the Library of Congress A Country Study: Poland
1,445 words Early History until 1385 - The Origins of Poland; The Medieval Era; Fragmentation and Invasion, 1025-1320; The Later Piasts; Integration into European Civilization
From the 1917: Political History of Poland by E.H. Lewinski-Corwin Chapter 1
2,445 words
Early Poland - The First Settlements of the Slavs; The Growth of Military Organization; Social and Political Structure of Early Slavic Life; The Religion of the Early Slavs
Chapter 2
8,710 words
Beginnings of the Polish State - The Influence of the Roman Catholic Church; The Growth of the State ; The Relation of Poland to the German Empire; The Alliance with the Holy See; Polish Laws of Inheritance.
Chapter 3
8,710 words
The Decline of Monarchical Power - The Prerogatives of the Grand Duke of Cracow; The Restriction of the Sovereign Power of the Princes; German Settlements in Poland; Jewish Immigration to Poland
Chapter 4
8,710 words
The Consolidation of Poland - Acquisition of Pomerania; Polish Crusade Against the Prussians; Political Aggressiveness of the Teutnic Knights; Causes of Political Consolidation; Disloyalty of the German Settlers
Notes on Polish History from the Slavic Interest Group Part 1
3,620 words
62 dates
Part One (623-1018) - 966 Mieszko baptized; 1000 Otto III's pilgrimage to Saint Wojciech's; 1003 Chrobry sends monk to Rome to work for crown; 1018 Chrobry notches Sword on the Gates of Kiev
Part 2
3,450 words
56 dates
Part Two (1019-1091) - 1025 Boleslaw Chrobry crowned on Easter Sunday, dies 17 June; 1037 Kazimierz Odnowiciel emerges from monastery, and tries for throne; 1058 Odnowiciel, dies; Boleslaw II Smialy (the Bold), inherits crown;
Part 3
3,550 words
47 dates
Part Three (1092-1144) - 1097 - 1102 Zbigniew, Boleslaw Krzywousty, and Wladyslaw Herman divide Poland; chaos in the land; 1113-1123 Campaigns vs Eastern and West Pomerania; 1138 Krzywousty dies.
Part 4
2,890 words
35 dates
Part Four (1145-1194; Bibliography) - 1146 Boleslaw Kedzierzawy (the Curly), Prince of Mazowia assumes Seniorate; 1180 Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy (the Just) confirmed as hereditary Prince of Krakow district, Seniorate system abolished
Part 5
2,620 words
36 dates
The Tragic 13th Century of Poland (1194-1296) - The Tragic 13th Century: 1225 Konrad of Masovia invites the Teutonic Knights to Poland; 1241 The Tartars or Tatars (Mongols) devastate Poland; 1253 Stanislas, Bishop of Cracow, is canonized.
Excerpts from the 1987 book The Polish Way by Adam Zamojski Part 1
2,640 words
From Prehistoric Times till the XIII Century - The domain of the Polanie; Mieszko I; Christianity: German and Bohemian, its political and cultural treats and benefits Christianity had brought the Bohemians; The fully-fledged kingdom of Boleslaw the Brave; The move of the capital to Krakow and the country's estward turn; fragmentation and local dynasties, separatness of cities and countryside
Part 2
2,125 words
XIII and XIV centuries - The Piast Dynasty - Raids by Genghis Khan's Mongol/Tartars; Teutonic Knights' conquest of Prussia; German Drang nach Osten; Wladyslaw the Short and his son, Kazimierz III the Great: reemergece of a strong united country; Succession by his nephew, Louis of Anjou, then his daughter, Jadwiga; Her marriage to Wladyslaw Jagiello, Grand Duke of Lithuania and his ascension to the Polish throne.
From: A Brief History of Poland, a 1994 posting by the AngloPol Corporation
Part 1
1,455 words
The Polish State Emerges - Conquest and consolidation of the land between the Odra and Bug Rivers by the Polanie; the Piast princes; relations to German Empire and Papacy; infighting; rebellions by magnates and pagans; fragmentation
Part 2
860 words
Division into Provinces - Disappearance of central authority creation of multiple provinces; Influx of German and Jewish settlers; Sharp rise in number of churches and monasteries; Invasions of the Mongols
Part 3
1,405 words
Crown of the Polish Kingdom - Repeated unification attempts; from Przemyslaw II to Ladislaus the Short followed by his son, Casimir the Great an outstanding ruler; ascension to the Polish throne of Louis Angevin of Hungary: The granting of the Kosice Privileges.
From a 2000 History of Poland posted by the Polish Embassy in Ljubljana 1370 words The Origins - Acceptance of Christianity; The Birth of a Kingdom; Regional Division; Battle of Legnica; Reunified Kingdom
550 words Great Days of Cracow - Advent of Jagiellonian Dynasty; Wars with Teutonic Order; Prussian Homage; Copernicus
From the 2000 Brief History of Poland posting by Sharon & Peter Pfeiffer Sections 1-3
1,148 words
Origins, Foundation, Disintegration and Reunification - The setteling by the West Slavs; threat of establishment of a German Empire; Mesko I accepts Christianity marries Dobrava of Bohemia; an independent Polish Church established in 1000; Boleslaw I Chrobry crowned first king of Poland, in 1024; invasions by Teutonic Knights, Tartars, Moravians.
From the 1997 The History of Poland posting by Mieczyslaw Kasprzyk 690 words The Rise to Power - Slav Origins; Foundation: 966-1138; Disintegration and Reunification: 1138 - 1370 . . .
From the 1914 History of Austro-Hungary and Poland by Steed. Phillips and Hannay Capter 23
3,845 words
Early History of Poland. A history of Poland from the earliest times to the early sixteenth century; , one of several chapters devoted to Poland in a history of Austro-Hungary.
From Alfred Rambaud, Russia in volume 1 of the 1900 translation by Leonora B. Lang. 3,260 words The Lithuanians and Their Principality - An account of Early Lithuania, its union with Poland and the Tannenberg battle.
   Biographical links         
    Leaders: civil, military, etc.     Others: artists, scientists, etc.
Mieszko I (c. 935 - 992), Prince and Poland's first historical ruler
St. Wojciech (956 - 997), Martyred Bishop and Patron Saint of Poland
Bolesław I Chrobry (966 - 1025), First Crowned King of Poland
Świętosława Gunhild (c. 970 - 1014), Daughter of Mieszko I, mother of King Canute
Władysław I Łokietek (1261 - 1333), King of Poland
Kazimierz Wielki (The Great) (1310 - 1370), King of Poland
Własysław Jagiełło (1348 - 1434), Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland
Zawisza Czarny (1370 - 1428), Famous Polish Knight
Jadwiga Andegaweńska (1373 - 1399), Queen of Poland
   Event links         
The Council at Gniezno (1000)
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