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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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Polish Federation for Women and Family Planning
16 links The Federation provides education and counseling services for women and youth with respect to family planning, sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS and other related issues. It advocates better reproductive health and rights standards and practices towards women within the healthcare system.
Women's Rights Center
18 links The Center was created to ensure that a gender perspective is present during the law-making process and in the application of law, and that women and men are equal before the law. The site features information about the Center's programs and activities and a nine-chapter report Polish Women in the 90's. Also a gallery of paintings by Remedios Varo and an article by U. Nowakowska: Violence against Women: issues and mechanisms
O¦Ka - National Women's Information Center
715 webpages
136 in English
A non-governmental, non-profit organization which assists all Polish women-related organizations and initiatives by operating an effective information system. Its mission is to encourage women's participation in public life, promote awareness of gender equality and to strengthen the women's community through encouraging cooperation and networking of women's organizations.
Batory Foundation - Women's Program
7 pages The main goal of this Program is to initiate and support activities that eliminate all forms of discrimination against women, and promote the gender equality.
Fundacja PSF Centrum Kobiet
38 webpages PL   The Women's Center of the Foundation of the Association of Polish Femminists. The goal of the organizations is the acting on behalf of women, the promotion of feminism and the equality of men and women. The roots of the organization go back to the 80's Za cel postawilysmy sobie dzialalnosc na rzecz kobiet.
Centrum Pormocji Kobiet
38 webpages PL   The Center has (1) a program for the professional development of women, (2) a program for the personal development of women and (3) information and documentation section which publishes a catalog of Polish Women's organizations and initiantives (Informator o organizacjach i inicjatywach kobiecych w Polsce) - last editon: 2000
Women's Foundation eFKa
4 webpages The English language webpage giving the history of eFKa a non-profit feminist foundation established in March 1991 in Kraków. eFKa advocates the independence of women and solidarity among them, acts against discriminatory practices and supports the development of women's culture. To these ends it publishes "Zadra" ("Splinter") a feminist quarterly.
126 pages The site's pages pertaining to Poland contain extensive information regarding Polish women in national and political leadership positions.
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