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University at Buffalo
State University of New York
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a website The Stefan Batory Foundation, a branch of the Soros Foundation Network was established in 1988 to promote the development of open society in Poland. Its focus is the strengthening of the nongovernmental sector as a whole. In 1997, the Foundation allocated 30 institutional grants, this involving an expenditures of approximately $10 million. The Foundation's website is primarily in Polish. For an English summary of its activities visit the Soros website.
a website Through its Monograph Program, the Foundation's subsidizes the publication of selected monographs by Polish authors in the humanities and social sciences. Established in 1990 with capital provided by the National Treasury, the Foundation is the most significant non-governmental source of scientific awards, grants, fellowships, and subsidies in Poland.
a website To meet the needs of the Polish scientific and library communities, the Foundation, in collaboration with Warsaw University Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computer Modeling, have created a data base regarding foreign scientific periodicals for the period 1992-1998 which are available in Poland. The website features a link to the data base.
800 webpages The Stefan Batory Foundation is an independent private Polish foundation established by American financier and philanthropist George Soros
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