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State University of New York
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>Polish - German Relations

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1,985 words Reflections on the the past of Polish-German relations by Konrad Weiss, a member of the German Bundestag and a native of in Lower Silesia.who ends the 1996 essay with a plea for easing Poland's way into the European Union.
7,350 words A discussion of German minority and the Polish-German relations in the province of Opole, the province with the highest percentage of Germans. An article published in 1996 in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
7,350 words A 1996 article discussing Polish-German relation, particularly as evident along the border between the two countries.
one page Article that discusses, in part, the effect of granting more political and cultural autonomy to the German minority in the province of Opole and its ethnically mixed Polish-German community.
970 words An article from the Economist of Dec 30th 2003 discussing Polish-German relations in the context of the Poland's blocking the adoption of a new constitution for the European Union, a constitution that would have given Germany a significantly greater voice relative to that of Poland in the Councils of the Union.
8,260 words A post 1999 essay of the assumption by individuals with of varying ancestry of Polish and/or German ethnicity.       cached
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