The Jedwabne Tragedy

English version of Rzeczpospolita's map
In the Fall of 1939, Jedwabne (pron: Yedvabneh], a small town with a population of almost 3,000 in northeastern Poland, came under Soviet occupation. The day following the June 22, 1941, German attack on the Soviets Union, Jedwabne came under German occupation. On July 10, 1941, some members of the Polish population of Jedwabne participated in the slaughter of several hundred of the town's 900 to 1600 Jews. After the war, a number were tried, convicted and served prison terms for having done so.
Jan Tomasz Gross, a Polish-born New York University historian, has investigated the slaughter and authored a book, Sąsiedzi (Neighbors) detailing it. The book stimulated widespread debate in Poland's press with over 750 articles. This page seeks to provide English language readers with access to the discussion within Poland by presenting translations of articles which appeared in Poland's leading newspapers.
Time-wise, the discussion can be divided into three periods. The first group of articles began to appear in May of 2000, soon after the publication of the Polish version of Gross's book, and continued through the Fall. The magazine Więź has posted English translations of a score of those articles on the Internet.
The debate took on added intensity in the Spring of 2001, a period broadly coinciding with the scheduled April 1st publication of the English version of Gross's book. The translations posted below come mainly from that period.
A third group of articles, represented by seven entries in gold/green type below, appeared in a period broadly antedating or coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the tragedy and the July 10th memorial service that tool place in Jedwabne.
The last two entries, present respectively the Final Findings of the judicial investigation by Poland's Institute of National Memory and the subsequent remarks of Poland's President, Aleksander Kwaśniwski (the banner at top of the page is a link to Jedwabne page of the Warsaw-based daily, Rzeczpospolita which features more than 145 articles.)
Poland's Institute for National Remembrance undertook the full fledged judicial investigation of the facts pertaining to the slaughter on August 31, 2000. Among the facts it sought to determine were the following: who specifically were the perpetrators, the identity of any still alive and liable to prosecution, and the extent to which the slaughter was result of orders or instigation by the German occupiers.
On July 10, 2002 the Institute for National Remembrance issued a press release summarizing the Final Findings of the investigation. Two volumes of documents, inquiries and analyses resultiing from the Institute's Jedwabne inquiry are to be published in due course.
Jedwabne: History - 60 Years Later as recounted in Rzeczpospolita by Maciej Łukasiewicz 1175 words
Poland's President on the subject of Jedwabne an interview with Aleksander Kwaśniewski 1073 words
Living in Truth special statement by Prime minster Jerzy Bużek 334 words
Poland's Institute of National Memory Official Statement and interview with Prof. Leon Kieres, its head. 850 words
Jedwabne: Guilt Justly Acknowledged an address by Józef Cardinal Glemp, Primate of Poland 1225 words
Trivializing Barbarity Article by Archbishop Józef Życiński 2082 words
The Need for Atonement by Jan Nowak-Jeziorański 1884 words
Remembering the righteous ten Article by Professor Antoni Gryzyk 1344 words
Open Letter regarding Jedwabne to member and sympatizers of the Polish Democratic Left 655 words
Bishop Gądecki about Jedwabne "I agree with Rabbi Schudrich" 565 words
Jedwabne shoud be a symbol of reconciliation A conversation with Michael Schudrich, Rabbi of Warsaw and Łódź 2339 words
We Trusted Each Other: Jedwabne Rabbi Jacob Baker 2549 words
Poles and the Jews: How Deep the Guilt? by Adam Michnik, Editor of Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland's largest circulation daily 2565 words
The Germans were forcing Poles to take part in the murders in the opinion of the historian Prof. Tomasz Strzembosz 547 words
Readers doubt credibility of war crime account by Polish-Jewish historian. A report by the Polish Press Agency 1023 words
Were the Jews in Jedwabne killed by the Gestapo? Testimony in the Ludwigsburg archives 1022 words
The Jedwabne Matter Did Gross Commit a Crime? ... The prosecutor's office in Sejny has refused... 617 words
To the Moskals Friends A column by Marek Zieleniewski 756 words
A Monument Made of Words Article by Dr. Dariusz Stola 9095 words
Goldhagen for Beginners by Prof. Norman G. Finkelstein 2111 words
Regret without Guilt by Prof. Michał Wojciechowski 1555 words
Jedwabne, that's the new name of the Holocaust by Rev. Stanisław Musiał, S.J. 1100 words
Hell's last circle article by Ignacy Matuszewski first published on December 5, 1941 1019 words
Sixty Years Ago . . . Remarks by President Aleksander Kwaśniewski Jedwabne, July 10, 2001 1206 words
Jedwabne, 10th July, 1941 An interview with Prof. Paweł Machcewicz, Director Office of Public Education, Institute of National Memory 3289 words
Jedwabne: Final Findings of Poland's Institute of National Memory July 9, 2002 - 1370 words
We, Poles, have a special duty ... President Alexander Kwaśniewski on July 17, 2002 at Georgetown University 330 words
Polish Crimes Against Jews Detailed
President Alexander Kwaśniewski on July 17, 2002 Associated Press News Report of November 2, 2002 530 words
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