A Polish Academic Information Center Exhibit
Warsaw: Life and Death in the Ghetto which the Germans established there during WWII |
May 16, 1943: - from the Final Report by SS General Stroop ...In
January 1943, the Reichsfuehrer SS, on the occasion of
his visit to Warsaw, ordered the SS and Police Leader (SS-
und Polizeifuehrer) in the Warsaw District to "transfer
to Lublin the armament factories and other enterprises of
military value installed within the ghetto, including the
labor force and machinery". It proved to be rather
difficult to carry out this order, since both the managers of
the enterprises and the Jews resisted this transfer in every
conceivable way. The SS and Police Leader therefore decided to
carry out the transfer of the enterprises forcibly in the
course of a Grossaktion (major Aktion), which
was to have been carried out in the course of three days. The
preparations and military orders for this Grossaktion
had been completed by my predecessor. I myself arrived in
Warsaw on April 17, 1943, and took over command of the Grossaktion
at 8 o'clock, after the Aktion itself had [already]
started at 6 o'clock on the same day....
number of Jews brought out from the houses and held during the
first few days was relatively small. It proved that the Jews
were hiding in the sewer canals and in specially constructed
bunkers. Where it had been assumed during the first days that
there were only isolated bunkers, it proved in the course of
the Grossaktion that the whole ghetto had been
systematically provided with cellars, bunkers and passageways.
The passages and bunkers all had access to the sewers. This
enabled the Jews to move underground without interference. The
Jews also used this network of sewers to escape underground
into the Aryan part of the city of Warsaw. There were constant
reports that Jews were attempting to escape through the sewer
holes... How far the Jews' precautions had gone was
demonstrated by many instances of bunkers skillfully laid out
with accommodation for entire families, facilities for washing
and bathing, toilets, storage bins for arms and ammunition,
and large food reserves sufficient for several months. There
were different bunkers for poor and for rich Jews. It was
extremely difficult for the task forces to discover the
individual bunkers owing to camouflage, and in many cases it
was made possible only through betrayal on the part of the
a few days it was already clear that the Jews would under no
circumstances consider voluntary resettlement, but were
determined to fight back by every means and with the weapons
in their possession. Under Polish-Bolshevik leadership
so-called fighting units were formed which were armed and paid
any price asked for available arms....
at first it had been possible to capture the Jews, who are
ordinarily cowards, in considerable numbers, the apprehending
of the bandits and Jews became increasingly difficult in the
second half of the Grossaktion. Again and again,
fighting units of 20 to 30 or more Jewish youths, 18 to 25
years old, accompanied by corresponding numbers of females,
renewed the resistance. These fighting units were under orders
to continue armed resistance to the end and, if necessary, to
escape capture by suicide.
such fighting unit succeeded in climbing out of the sewer
through a manhole in so-called Prosta [Street] and to get on
to a truck and escape with it (about 30 to 35 bandits)....
the armed resistance females belonging to the fighting units
were armed in the same way as the men; some were members of
the He-Halutz Movement. It was no rarity for these females to
fire pistols with both hands. It happened again and again that
they kept pistols and hand-grenades (Polish "egg"
grenades) hidden in their bloomers up to the last moment, in
order to use them against the men of the Waffen-SS
[military unit of the SS], Police and Wehrmacht.
resistance offered by the Jews and bandits could be broken
only by the energetic, tireless deployment of storm-patrols
night and day. On April 23, 1943, the Reichsfuehrer
SS, through the Higher SS and Police Fuehrer for the East, in
Cracow, issued the order that the Warsaw ghetto "be combed out
with maximum severity and ruthless determination". I
therefore decided to carry out the total destruction of the
Jewish quarter by burning down all residential blocks,
including the blocks attached to the armament factories. One
by one the factories were systematically cleared and then
destroyed by fire. Almost always the Jews then emerged from
their hiding places and bunkers. Not rarely, the Jews stayed
in the burning houses until the heat and fear of being burned
to death caused them to jump from the upper floors after they
had thrown mattresses and other upholstered objects from the
burning houses to the street. With broken bones they would
then try to crawl across the street into buildings which were
not yet, or only partially, in flames. Often, too, Jews
changed their hiding places during the night, by shifting into
the ruins of buildings already burned out and taking refuge
there until they were found by one of the shock troop
as a result of the unceasing and untiring efforts of all
forces did we succeed in capturing altogether 56,065 Jews,
i.e., definitely destroying them. To this figure should be
added Jews who lost their lives in explosions, fires, etc.,
the number of which could not be definitely established....