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Butler University
Indianapolis, IN 46208
tel. (219) 631-5000
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Polish Studies and Butler University
The University's webpages currently list two courses, both in Political Science, that touch on the area of Polish Studies, reflecting on the strong professional interest of one of the department's faculty members. Additionally, one of the faculty members in the Department of Dance trained in Poland.
Poland Related Course
Political Science 392:
The Transition from Communism in East-Central Europe
The rise and fall of communism in eastern Europe and the politics of transition to democracy and market-based economies. Includes consideration of post-Cold War international politics and alliance systems. 3 credits
Political Science 490:
Seminar: Is Capitalism Really Better?
Focusing on the transition from communism to capitalism and democracy in Russia and Eastern Europe, this seminar will examine the impact of the transition on the peoples of the region. In what ways are they better off now than they were under communism? Who has benefitted from the transition, and who has not? Which countries have most successfully navigated the changes, and why? Why is it that so many people in the region think their lives were better under communists? Is capitalism really better than communism? Prerequisite: One of the following: junior or senior majors in political science; another course on Russia or Eastern Europe; or permission of the instructor.
3 credits
Mason , David S. , Professor of Political Science
- Ph.D. Indiana University, 1978
Phone: (317) 283 9682 / E-Mail: mason@butler.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Polish Politics, Politics of Transition in the Post-Communist States.
- "Revolution and Transition in East Central Europe," Boulder: Westview, 1996; Public Opinion and Political Change in Poland, 1980-1982 (Cambridge, 1985)
- "Political Research in Martial Law Poland," IREX Frontline, vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 1998), p.8
- "Poland," Phil Shively, ed., Comparative Governance (NY: McGraw Hill, 1995)
- "Public Opinion in Poland's Transition to Market Democracy," Walter Connor and Piotr Ploszajski, eds. The Polish Road From Socialism (M.E. Sharpe, 1992)
- "Democracy, the Market and Social Justice in Poland," Bob Deacon, ed. Social Policy, Social Justice and Citizenship in Eastern Europe (Avebury: UK, 1992), pp. 191-210
- "Soviet Reforms and Eastern Europe: Implications for Poland," David Kemme, ed. Economic Reform in Poland: The Aftermath of Martial Law 1981-1988 (Greenwich, Conn. JAI Press, 1991), pp. 207-22
- "Poland and Czechoslovakia: Test Cases for Perestroika," Charles Bukowski and J. Richard Walsh, eds. Glasnost, Perestroika and the Socialist Community (Praeger, 1990). with Ken Colburn, "Public Opinion Research in China", Footnotes (of the American Sociological Association), January 1989
- "Poland's New Trade Unions," with Betsy Crighton Soviet Studies, vol. 39, no. 3 (July 1987), pp. 489-508.
- "Stalemate and Apathy in Poland," Current History, vol. 84, no. 505 (November 1985), pp. 377-80, 390-91
- "Policy Alternatives and Political Unrest in Poland," Journal of Politics, vol. 45, no. 2 (May 1983), pp. 397-421
- "Membership of the Polish United Workers' Party," Polish Review, vol. 27 no. 3 (Fall 1982)
Meta Faculty - Faculty who have either studied or taught in Poland
Cholewa, Marek, Associate Professor of Dance
- Studies at the National School of Ballet in Poznan
Phone: / Email: cholewa@butler.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Areas of special expertise are the full Vaganova syllabus, the entire Petipa repertoire (learned in St. Petersburg under Petipa expert Peter A. Gusiev) and Slavic Character Dance.
09/20/05 cm