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Polish Studies at the Catholic University of America
The Institution
The Catholic University of America, located in Washington, DC, was established by the American bishops as a graduate and research center for the study of "all branches of literature and science, both sacred and profane." Although no courses relating to Poland are offered by the University, each year its Columbus School of Law conducts, jointly with the Jagillonian University, an International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in Krakow. Also, a number of University's faculty have scholarly interests that impinge significatly on Poland.
Sandra L. , Regular Professor of Sociology, The Catholic University of America
- Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1981
Phone: (202) 319-5999 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: hanson@cua.edu
Gender, family, and achievement; women in science; Work and the family; stratification of women in the labor
force; Role of family background, gender, etc in achievement.
- Fulbright Lecturer, Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, 1997-1998.
- "Catholicism, Country and the Construction of Gender: Catholic Women in Poland and the U.S." with Kaja Gadowska in Polish Sociological Review. 127: 353-76 (1999).
Rett R. , Professor of Law and Legal and Political Theory, Catholic University of America
@ @
- Ph.D., Jagiellonian University
Phone: (202) 319-5557 / Fax: .... / E-Mail: ludwikowski@cua.edu; HAEDERLE@LAW.EDU
MAJOR INTERESTS: Comparative and International Law; Comparative Governments
- Constitutionalism and Human Rights: America, Poland, and France, University Press of America, 1991
- Continuity and Change in Poland: Conservatism in Polish Political Thought Catholic University of America Press, 1991
- Regulations of International Trade and Business, Vol I. Warsaw, Poland: ABC Publishing House, 1996.
- Regulations of International Trade and Business, Vol.II International Business Transactions, (ed. and co-author), ABC Publishing House Warsaw, Poland: 1998.
- Comparative Constitutional Law. Torum, Poland: TNOIK, 2000.
- Main Currents in Polish Political Thought,
- Conservatism in the Kingdom of Poland,
- "Main Principles of the First American, Polish and French Constitutions Compared." In Constitution and Reform in Eighteenth-Century Poland," (ed. Samuel Fiszman). Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1997.
- "Constitutional Culture in East-Central Europe." Constitutional Culture. Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw, Poland, 2000.
Bronislaw , Professor of Sociology
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- Ph.D., Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1973
D. Hab., Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, 1977
Phone: (202) 319-5999 / Fax: (202)319-4630 / E-Mail: misztal@cua.edu
Social movements, comparative and historical sociology, sociological theory
- "Social Movements, Protest Cycles and the Collapse of the Communism," Polish Sociological Bulletin;
- Poland After Solidarity. Social Movements versus the State. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers, 1985. Volume Editor and Co-Author.
- "Macro-Social Determinants of Urban Social Problems in Poland." Pp. 121-135 in Urban Theory and the Social Problems of the Polish Cities. Ewa Kwiatkowska et als. (eds.), Wroclaw: Ossolineum Publishers, 1983. [in Polish]
- "Stability of the Socio-Political System in Poland. Revolutionary Social Processes and Their Totalitarian Epilogue." Pp. 161-193 in Poland's Solidarity Movement. Lawrence Biondi and Frank Mocha (eds.), Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1984.
- "Social Movements against the State. Theoretical Legacy of the Welfare State." Pp. 143-165 in Poland after Solidarity. Social Movement versus the State. Bronislaw Misztal (ed), New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1985.
- "Apathy-Participation-Apathy. The Vicious Circle of Collective Behaviour in Contemporary Poland." Pp. 3-19 in Poland After Solidarity. Social Movement versus the State. Bronislaw Misztal (ed), New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books, 1985.
- "Poland." Pp. 265-287 in International Handbook of Housing. Willem van Vliet (ed.), Greenwood, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990.
- "Alternative Social Movements in Poland." Pp. 67-88 in Research in Social Movements, Conflicts & Change. Louis Kriesberg (ed.),vol. 12, 1990. Greenwich, Conn., JAI-Press.
- "Starting From The Scratch is Not Always The Same. The Politics of Protest and the Strategies of Post-Communist Reconstruction in Poland and Hungary." Pp. 324-341 in The Politics of Protest and Social Movement Strategies. Craig Jenkins and Bert Klandermans (eds), Minneapolis: Minnesota Univ. Press 1995.
- "Urban Social Problems in Poland. The Macrosocial Determinants." in Urban Affairs Quarterly 19, 3 (1984), March: 315-328.
- "The Explanatory Utility of Major Sociological Theories Developed in Poland 1970-1980." in Sociology 18, 2 (1984), May: 239-252.
- "The State's Capacity to Change. The Case of Poland and the Philippines." in International Journal of Comparative Sociology XXVII 3-4 (1987), July-October:141-161.
- "The Explanatory Ability of the Mainstream Marxist Theories of Socialist Society." in Przyjaciel Nauk. [Independent underground academic journal in Poland] November 1987
- "One Movement, Two Interpretations. The Orange Alternative Movement in Poland." in British Journal of Sociology 43 (1)1992: 55-79.
- "The Politics of Protest and the Processes of Dismantling Socialist
State in Poland and in Hungary," Politikatudomanyi Szemle,[Hungarian Journal of Political Science] 3, 1993: 71-94
META-FACULTY - Faculty who have studied and/or taught at Polish institutions of higher education
George E. , Professor, Law School, Catholic University of America
- J.D., University of Wisconsin, 1972
Phone: (202) 202-319-5140; . . . / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: garvey@cua.edu
Constitutional law, antitrust, property, regulated industries and Catholic social teaching and law
- Senior Fulbright Lecturer, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 1999
Christopher J. , Ordinary Professor of English, Catholic University of America
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987
Phone: (202) 319-5488; (202) 319-5600 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: WHEATLEY@CUA.EDU
American Drama; Restoration & 18th Century British/Irish Drama; Thornton Wilder
- Fulbright Lecturer, Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Poznan, 2000-2001
Stephen K. , Ordinary Professor of English, Catholic University of America
- Ph.D., Indiana University, 1984
Phone: (202) 319-5488 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: wrights@cua.edu
Medieval English and European literature; Chaucer and his contemporaries; interdisciplinary approaches to medieval drama, art and music; translating medieval texts.
- Fulbright Lecturer, Adam Mickiewicz Univ., Poznan, 2001-2002
Study Abroad
The International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in Cracow, Poland
The Summer Law Program in Cracow is open to American, Canadian and Polish law students who have successfully completed the equivalent of one year of fulltime study. Non-law students may be admitted, if space permits, on an auditing basis. Those who successfully complete coursework receive credit from The Catholic University of America. All courses are conducted in English by the faculty of the Columbus School of Law and the Jageillonian University, with future courses to be taught by qualified faculty members from other American and Polish academic institutions. @.