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Polish Studies at Iowa State University
The Institution
Iowa State University has its origins in a Land Grant College created under the Land-Grant Act of 1862.The act called for the federal government to provide each state with a grant of land that could be sold to finance a college, hence the name "land-grant." Iowa was the first state to accept the provisions of the Act.
The act called for the federal government to provide each state with a grant of land that could be sold to finance a college, hence the name "land-grant." Iowa was the first state to accept the provisions of the act. The University's 23,000 undergraduate and 4,500 graduate students, constitute about half the population of the City of Ames where the University is located.
Language Instruction
- Polish 102First-Year Polish I , II
Basic language skills--listening, reading, speaking, writing; fundamentals of grammar; emphasis on student participation; first of a two-semester sequence. The course is offered as part of a Distance Learning Consortium with the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa
Boruta-Sadkowski, A.
Jill M., Professor of Sociology, Iowa State University
- Ph.D., SUNY Albany
Phone: 515-294-9733 / Fax: 515-294-5104 / E-Mail: bystydj@iastate.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Women's movements in international perspective. The emergence of feminist movements in East and Central Europe, and especially in Poland.
- "Poland: Gender Discrimination Unrecognized." in Humanity and Society 22
Stanley R., Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture and Vice-Provost for Extension, Iowa State University
- Ph.D., Texas A&M University, College Station, 1966
Phone: 515-294-6192 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: srjohnso@iastate.edu
Econometrics, economic theory, agricultural and environmental policy analysis
- More Impacts of Economic Reform in Poland: Welfare Changes within a Consistent Framework, with Huffman, S.A., publication WP 271 of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Aims, 2001
- Empirical Tests of Impacts of Rationing: The Case of Poland in Transition with Huffman, S.A., publication WP 255 of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Aims, 2000
- Re-evaluation of Welfare Changes
during the Transition in Poland, with Huffman, S.A., publication WP 237 of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Aims, 2000
Kurt Professor of Political Science and Director of Public Policy and Administration Program, Iowa State University@
- Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1991.
Phone: 515-294-7207 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: kthur@iastate.edu
State and local public budgeting and finance, intergovernmental relations, and
development administration in developing nations and the newly democratized nations of Central and
Eastern Europe.
- Fulbright Scholar, School of Local Self-Government, Faculty of Law and Administration,
Jagiellonian University, Krakow,, 1992-93
- Using the Program Budget Model as a Tool for Local Development: Reforms in Lublin and Krakow,
Poland, IMIS Monograph Series For Eastern Europe, Monograph prepared for Office of Housing and
Urban Programs, US Agency for International Development, and the International City/County
Management Association, Washington, DC, June 1995.
- The Budget as a Policy, Management, and Communications Tool: Improving the Capacity To Budget In
Lublin, Poland, Report prepared for Office of Housing and Urban Programs, US Agency for
International Development, and the International City/County Management Association, Washington
DC, November 1994,(with Roger Kroh).
- Improving the Capacity to Budget in Lublin, Poland, Report prepared for Office of Housing and Urban Programs, US Agency for International Development, and the International City/County Management Association, Washington DC, November 1993,(with Roger Kroh)
- Local Government Budget Reforms: Transparency and Accountability in Poland and Ukraine, The American Society of Public Administration meeting, March, 2002, Phoenix, Arizona (with Suzanne Leland)
- The Role of Information Technology in the Transformation of Poland, The Institute of Management Sciences/Operations Research Society of America, annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April, 1992
- "The Evolution of Local Government Budgeting in Poland: From Accounting to Policy in a Leap and a
Bound, " in Public Budgeting and Finance 14(4), Winter 1994: 83-96.
- "Primary School Decentralization in Poland: Nurturing the Roots of Democracy," in In Depth: A Journal
of Values and Public Policy," 5(2) 1997: 1-22, (with Pawel Swianiewicz).
- "The Role of Polish Local Governments in Privatization: Who will pay for the Social Infrastructure?" Administration and Society, 29(1), March, 1997, 18-41 (with Mariusz Dobek)
- "Decentralization in Poland: shifting primary education administration to local self-government," in
Urban And Regional Management In Countries In Transition, Chatterji, B. and R. Domanski, eds.
(Warsaw: PWN, 1996), pp. 251-266 (with Pawel Swianiewicz).
- "Local Government Budget Reform in Poland and Ukraine," Laird Brown Bag Series in Russian and East European Studies, KU Center for Russian and East European Studies, December, 6, 2001
- "Transitional Budgeting in Transitional Economies: Poland and Ukraine," sponsored by the Graduate Colloquium
Committee and Division of Public Administration, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, September, 26, 1997
- "Poland: The Rebirth of Local Government," Worldwide Lecture Series, University of Kansas, sponsored by International Studies and Phi Beta Delta, October, 25, 1994
- "The Benefits of Fiscal Decentralization in Poland," presentation to the regional finance staff of L'viv Province, and to faculty ands tudents of Ivan Franko University of L'viv, Ukraine, October, 8, 1994
- "Fictitious Budgets for Real Problems: Local Government Budgeting in Poland," Laird Brown Bag Series in Russian and East European Studies, University of Kansas, February, 7, 1994
- "Local Government Budgeting in Poland," guest on the Cable Access Channel Program "Around Town with Ann Debus," Johnson County, Kansas, January 10 and 16, 1994(with Roger Kroh)
- "Administrative and Fiscal Decentralization in Poland: Local Assumption of Primary Schools," Laird Brown Bag Series in Russian and East European Studies, University of Kansas, April, 1993
- "Bigos Politics: The Changing Face of Polish Governance," University Forum Speaker Series, University of Kansas, October, 1995
- "Bigos Politics: The Changing Face of Polish Governments," Laid Brown Bag Series in Russian and East European Studies, University of Kansas, October, 1995
- "The Transformation of Budgeting in Polish Local Governments," Cosmopolitan International, Lawrence, Kansas, February, 1995
- "The Impact of Privatization on Polish Local Governments: Who will pay for the Social Infrastructure?" American Political Science Association, annual meeting, Washington DC, September 2-5, 1993
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