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Polish Academic Information Center's
listings for

Miami University
Oxford, Ohio 45056
tel: (513) 529-1809

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Polish Studies at Miami University

The Institution

The university was established in 1809, and was named after an Miami Indian Tribe. It is a state assisted school, with enrollment of about 15,000 undergraduates and 1,300 graduates. The university offers 100 majors, and professional programs in medicine, law, dentistry, pharmacy, etc. There are no Polish studies or Polish language instruction courses offered by the University, there are however, a few faculty members whom have earned masters' and doctoral degrees in Poland.

Poland-Related Courses

HST 378 20th Century Eastern European History @
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Study of nationalism and struggle for independence in Eastern Europe, establishment of independent states after World War I, and return to foreign domination under the Nazis and the Soviets.


Anderson, Sheldon Associate Professor, History, Miami University @
Ph.D. University of Minnesota, 1989
Telephone: (513) 529-1447/ E-Mail:
MAJOR INTERESTS: 20th Century East Central Europe, the Cold War, 20th Century European Foreign Affairs
  • A Cold War in the Soviet Bloc: Polish-East German Relations, 1945-1962 (2000)
  • A Dollar to Poland is a Dollar to Russia: United States Economic Policy toward Poland, 1945-1952.

META-FACULTY - Faculty who have studied and/or taught at Polish institutions of higher education

Dollar, Marek Professor, Dean, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Miami University @
Ph.D., University of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow, 1989
Telephone: (513) 529-4036 / Fax: (513) 529-4040 / E-Mail:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Synthesis, characterization and properties of nanocrystalline materials
Randriana Beata Associate Professor, Mathematics, Miami University @
M.A., Warsaw University, 1986
Ph.D., University of Missouri-Columbia, 1993
Telephone: (305) 243-2908/ Fax: (305) 243-4555 / Email:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Geometry of Banach spaces.
Szczesny-Cordary Danuta Research Assistant Professor of Molecular & Cellular Pharmacology, Miami University @
Ph.D. Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1989
Telephone: (305) 243-2908/ Fax: (305) 243-4555 / Email:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Regulation of cardiac and skeletal muscle contraction, with a major focus on the role of myosin regulatory light chains

Last updated 02/20/03


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