Info Poland student
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Polish Studies at Northwestern University
The Institution
A private institution founded in 1851 to serve the Northwest Territory, an area that now includes the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota, the university's main campus is located on the shore of Lake Michigan 12 miles north of Chicago. It has over 13,000 students of whom more than 7,500 are undergraduates
Polish Study Courses
- SLAVIC 261-0-20 Polish Culture in the 20th Century @@
- COURSE DESCRIPTION: Course Description:
An introduction to the literature, culture and history of the country Norman
Davies has called "the heart of Europe." In the span of a hundred years Poland
has undergone an extraordinary range of transformations and traumas: division
among three empires (Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian); the brief period
of interwar independence; Nazi and then Soviet subjugation; Solidarity and
the revolt against Soviet rule; martial law; and finally independence once
again. We will explore the relationship between the history and the culture
by way of novels, films, essays, memoirs, historical writing, and poetry.
Authors and artists to be discussed include: Czeslaw Milosz, Wislawa Szymborska,
Andrzej Wajda, Adam Michnik, Hanna Krall, and others. All work to be read
in translation.
Poland-Related Courses
- Art History 369-0 Central and Eastern European Art @
- COURSE DESCRIPTION: Central and Eastern European Art and developments since the end of 19th century and collapse of Austro-Hungarian Empire: Vienna - Krakow - Warsaw - Prague - Budapest - Berlin - Moscow. Specific focus on the cultural and historical differences of each Central and Eastern European country: Poland,
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Russia. Modernism in Central & Eastern Europe; national schools of cubism, futurism, dadaism, constructivism, suprematism and birth of abstract art. Influences of Russian Revolution on a pre-war avant-garde movements in Central and Eastern Europe and post-war situation in art. Particular attention will be paid to gender representations, and the interaction of gender with politics and with the cultural and historical background of these countries. Post -war situation in art and politics in Central and Eastern Europe: - Socrealism versus independent art movements and actions in 50's (informel, the tradition of constructivism in Poland and the Czech heritage of surrealism and metaphorical art.) - Role of film and photography schools of Prague (Czech Republic) and Lodz (Poland) and development of new media art.
Clare, A., Associate Professor, Slavic and Gender Studies, Northwestern University
- Ph.D., Harvard University
Phone: (847) 491-8252 / Fax:...... / E-Mail: ccavanagh5@northwestern.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Modern Polish Poetry. Polish Literature and Culture. Comparative Modernism: Russian, Polish, English, French
- View with a Grain of Sand by Wislawa Szymborska, with Stanislaw Baranczak, Harcourt Brace, 1995
- Winner, 1996 PEN/Book-of-the-Month Club Prize for, outstanding literary translation
- 1996 AATSEEL Prize for outstanding literary translation
- cited by Swedish Academy as an "excellent survey" in press announcement of Szymborska's Nobel Prize.
- Poems New and Collected, by Wislawa Szymborska, with Stanislaw Baranczak, Harcourt Brace, 1998
- A Los Angeles Times Outstanding Book of the Year.
- Mysticism for Beginners, by Adam Zagajewski, Farrar Straus Giroux, 1998.
- A Los Angeles Times Outstanding Book of the Year.
- Another Beauty, by Adam Zagajewski, Farrar Straus Giroux, 2000.
Malgorzata (Gosia), Visting Professor, Art History Department, Northwestern University
- MFA., Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, 1986; 1987
Ph.D., Academy of Fine Arts, Wroclaw, 1992
MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1994
Phone: 847 920-1860 / Fax: 847 920-1861 / E-Mail: artmkk2000@netscape.net / OR: mkk566@lulu.it.northwestern.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:European Art History
Transcultural Visions: Polish American Contemporary Art, Hyde Park And Center, Chicago, 2001
@ @
Remarkable Works of Copernicus, Hevelius, and Other Historic Polish Astronomers, Adler Planetarium, Chicago
Poland-related Resources
Block Museum of Art - The Last Expression: Art from
Auschwitz. Website of an exhibition held at the museum in 2001. Website features
different kinds of visual art that were created at the Auschwitz concentration camp which the Germans built on Polish soil during WWII while occupying Poland. The exhibition includes items made in the camp painting and
printing studios and works that were done secretly or tolerated by camp officials. There is biographical information
on the artists who worked there, interviews with survivors, and essays on other forms of art in the concentration
camps, particularly musical and theatrical endeavors.
Polish American Student Allianace: Oranization with a mission to promote cultural awareness of all things Polish; to teach as well as to learn. The organization seeks to accomplished this holding weekly meetings, bringing speakers to campus, organizing Polish outings, participating in the university's annual International festival and inviting speakers to firesides. @
Last updated 09/29/05