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Polish Studies at
Rutgers University-New Brunswick
The Institution
The New Brunswick campus of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey , is the largest of Rutgers' three regional campuses. Its location is suburban in New Brunswick and Piscataway, NJ. It has an enrollment of 28,000 undergraduate and over 7,000 graduate students. New Jersey is the largest of Rutgers' three regional campuses.
Polish Study Courses
- POL 259 Tradition and National Identity in Polish Literature@
Examination of the quest for national identity and the unique position of the writer in this search in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
- SLAVIC 861 21:860:313,314.
Prerequisites: 21&62:350:101-102.Analysis of representative works of Czech, Polish, Serbo-Croatian,and Ukrainian writers.
- HISTORY 510 21&62:510:366.
History, social concerns, and culture of Poland and the Polish people from the time of their conversion to Christianity and early kings to the present.
Language Instruction
- POL 101-102
First Year Polish
Fundamentals of the language, with exercises in speaking, reading, and writing
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Clark, J. Janicka, K.
- POL 201-202
Second Year Polish
Developing language skills; emphasis on speaking, drills, and grammar
- POL 401-402
Advanced Polish
Advanced work in grammar and stylistics. Discussion based on reading original literature, newspapers, and essays, and on contemporary films.
Poland-Related Courses
High and Low in Contemporary Polish Literature and Cinema @
This course will study works of contemporary Polish literature (mostly fiction) and recent films representing different genres and addressed to different audiences. During the discussions students will be searching for answers to the questions like what are the factors that determine whether certain texts are thought of as "highbrow" while others are classified as "popular", how are the two types of texts related to classical Polish literature and cinema and what makes "popular" literature/cinema so successful and "highbrow" literature/cinema so unpopular among the reading public/audience
- HIS 383
Nationalism and Socialism in Eastern Europe
This course will explore the tumultuous history of Eastern Europe in the twentieth century.Our purpose will be to examine the profound changes which the century's political upheavals, wars, and revolutions both violent and non-violent, have wrought on the societies of the region.Throughout we will pay particular attention to the role of nationalism as a dominant political identity, seeing both its emancipatory and its violent potential.The first half of the course treats the numerous attempt at nation-state formation in the region after World War I.We will be especially interested in problems of minority rights and urban-rural tensions in this period, and will pursue these themes into the maelstrom of World War II.In the second half of the course, we will focus attention on the nature and consequences of some 40years of Communist rule in the region.In particular, we will examine the ways in which a one-party state established and (until 1989) maintained its hegemony over Eastern European societies, and the legacies which this rule has left in the region.For the purposes of the course, Eastern Europe will include the region from Poland in the north to (former) Yugoslavia and the Balkans in the south.
Joanna Rostropowicz, Lecturer, Rutgers University
- M. A. Warsaw University
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Phone: (732) 932-7604; (609) 921-3348 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: Rostrop@aol.com
MAJOR INTERESTS:Literary criticism and Polish-Jewish
Paul, Assistant Professor of History, Rutgers University
- Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Phone: 732-932-6695 / Fax: 732-932-6763 / E-Mail: hanebrink@history.rutgers.edu
20th Century Eastern Europe, the Habsburg Empire, 20th Century Europe.
Jan, Professor of Political Science and Director, Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies, Rutgers University @
- M.A., Jagiellonian University
Ph.D. from Columbia University
Phone: (732) 932-1938 / Fax: .... / E-Mail: kubik@rci.rutgers.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Postcommunist transformations in Eastern Europe and the relationship between culture and politics and contentious politics
- The 2001 Bronislaw Malinowski Social Sciences Award from the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America
- The 2000 American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies/Orbis Bookstore Polish Book Prize for the best English language book in any discipline, on any aspect of Polish affairs
- Rebellious Civil Society: Popular Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, 1989-1993 with Ekiert, G., Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, (1999; paperback 2001)
- The Power of Symbols Against the Symbols of Power. The Rise of Solidarity and the Fall of State Socialism in Poland. University Park, Penn State University Press, 1994
- "The Irrelevance of Nationalism (the Relevance of Globalism)? Cultural Frames of Collective Protest in Post-Communist Poland, 1989-1993." In Globalizations and Social Movements: Culture, Power and the Transnational Public Sphere, eds. Guidry, J.A., Kennedy, M.D. and Zald M.N. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press (2000);.
- Civil Society From Abroad: the Role of Foreign Assistance in the Democratization of Poland., (With Ekiert, Grzegorz), Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, 2000 .
- The Polish Round Table of 1989: the cultural dimension(s) of the negotiated regime change. in Negotiating Radical Change: Understanding the Lessons of the Polish Round Table Talks, eds. Kennedy, M.D. and Porter, B., Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, 2000.
- "Contentious Politics in New Democracies. East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia, 1989-1994," World Politics, 1998, 50."
Markowski, Radoslaw Kosciuszko Foundation Visiting Professor, at The Center of Russian, Central and East European Studies, Rutgers University
- Ph.D.
Phone: (732) 932-8551 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: rmark@rci.rutgers.edu
Comparative politics, parties and party systems, electoral behavior,and democratization.
- Rutgers University/New Brunswick 2002-2003
- Transformative Paths in Central and Eastern Europe, (2001)
- Post Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation and Inter-party Cooperation (1999)
Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Regulska, Joanna, Professor of Geography, Rutgers University @
- M.A., University of Warsaw, Poland, 1975
Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, 1982
Phone: (732)445-4103 / Fax: (732)445-0006 / E-Mail: regulska@rci.rutgers.edu
|Local level democratization process and the roles of the state, civil society and market in this process. The process of decentralization and devolution of power during regime changes; the policy implications of such changes; the role that gender relations play in these processes.
- Fellowship from The German Marshall Fund of the United States, Residential Advisor to the Minister for Public Administration Reform, Warsaw, Poland, 1993-94
- 1996 The Cavalier Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland, for contributions to the development of local democracy and local government reform in Poland, awarded by Poland's President, 1996
- Informational Policy at the Local Level. (Wydawnictwo Samorzadowe, Warsaw, Poland, in Polish) 206 pages. 1995.
- "NGOs and their Vulnerabilities During the Time of Transition: Case of Poland" in Voluntas, International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 61-71, 1999
- "Building local democracy: the role of Western assistance in Poland," in Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-20, 1998
- "Decentralization or (Re)Centralization: Struggle for Political Power in Poland" in Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. Vol. 15, pp. 187-207, 1997
- "Expanding Political Space for Women in Poland: An Analysis of Three Communities," (with A. Graham in Communist and Post Communist Studies. Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 65-82, 1997
- "Urban Development Under Socialism: The Polish Experience." Urban Geography, Vol. 8, No. 4, July-August. pp. 321-339. 1987
- "The Future of Poland is based on Local Democracy", New Horizon, April, pp. 10.
- "Political Decentralization and Capital Mobility in Planned and Market Societies: Local Autonomy in Poland and the United States." (With R. W. Lake) in Policy Studies Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 702-720.
- "Centralization Versus Decentralization: The Case of Financing Autonomous Local Governments in Poland," (With M. Bell) in Public Finance in a World of Transition, supplement to Public Finances/Finances Publiques, Vol. 47, pp. 187-201. 1992
- "The Polish Road to Self-Governance" in Klein, P.V. (ed.) Struggling with the Communist Legacy: Studies of Yugoslavia, Romania and Poland. East European Monographs, pp. 175-190. 1999
- "The rise and fall of public administration reform in Poland: why bureaucracy does not want to be reformed," in Barlow, M., I. Lengyel, R. Welch (eds.) Local Development and Public Administration in Transition, Jozef Attila University: Szeged, Hun-gary. 1998
- "The Political and its Meaning for Women's Transitional Political in Poland?" chapter in Pickles, J. and Smith A. (eds.) Theorizing Transition: The Political Economy of Change in Central and Eastern Europe. Routledge pp. 309-329, 1998
- "Building Democracy at the Local Level: The Case of Poland" in M. Lazar (ed.), For-tifying the Foundations: US Support for Developing and Strengthening Democracy in East Central Europe, International Institute of Education, New York, NY, pp. 32-39. 1996
- "Transition to Local Democracy: Do Polish Women Have a Chance" in M. Rueschemeyer (ed.) Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, pp. 35-62. 1994
META-FACULTY - Faculty who have studied and/or taught at Polish institutions of higher education
Professor of Food Science, Cook College, Rutgers University
- D.T.S., Gdansk Technical University
Phone: (732) 932-9611 x.230 / Fax: (732) 932-6776 / E-Mail: daun@aesop.rutgers.edu
Food processing technology
Tomasz, Professor of Computer Science, Rutgers University @
- Ph.D., Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 1982
Phone: (732) 445-3551 / Fax: ..... / E-Mail: imielins@cs.rutgers.edu
Mobile wireless computing, Database Mining, Bioinformatics
Visiting Faculty
Gruszewska-Blaim,Ludmila - 2004 Visiting Kosciuszko Foundation Professor,
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University @
- Ph.D. , Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin, 1992
Phone: .. / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: ludmila@hektor.umcs.lublin.pl
MAJOR INTERESTS:English Philology: spatial form theory and the semiotics of represented space. The writings of T. S. Eliot, Jerzy Kosinski, Derek Mahon and J. M. Coetzee
English Studies Institute, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
Janicka,Katarzyna - 2003-04 Visiting Lecturer,
Program in Russian and East European Languages and Literatures, Rutgers University
- M.A. in English, Pozna? 2000
B.A./M.A., Higher Institute for Translators and Interpreters, Antwerp, Belgium
Phone: (732) 932-7604 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: KJANICKA@RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Phonetics and phonology of English
- "Polish students' attitudes to native English accents as models for ESL pronunciation". with Weckwerth, J. and Kul M
in Pronunciation models: A changing scene? eds.: Dziubalska-Kolaczyk, K. and Przedlacka, J.(in press)
The School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University
Phone: (48-61) 829 3520 / email: jakasia@ifa.amu.edu.pl
Study Abroad
Study Abroad Semester in Poland:
Rutgers University offers a Fall Semester Abroad in collaboration with the Marie Curie-sklodowska University in Lublin. The sester is comprised of Preliminary Courses (orientation and an intensive Polish language course) which take place between mid September and mid October and Regular Courses which are offered from mid-Ocotober to late January. The latter provides two options:
- Liberal Arts and Sciences Option: Encompasses a "Poland: Culture, History, and Society" course, a "Meet the Makers" evening seminar and Polish language and literature courses (according to proficiency) and any other courses at the university for which the student meets the required language skills and prerequisites.
- Citizenship and Service Education (CASE) Option: separate CASE courses are offered by the Department s of Economics, Environmental Sciences, and Political Science and students choosing this option are required to take at least one of the three. The service placements associated with the designated CASE courses are eight to ten hours per week for ten weeks and may be, depending on the course, at City Hall, in the offices of non-governmental organiztion (NGOs), environmental-quality monitoring organizations, offices of political parties etc. Rutgers students are teamed with Polish classmates and act as Polish-American pairs doing service together. Selecting who speak Polish may also enroll in any other course(s) offered at the university, provided they meet the prerequisites
The program provides opportunities to travel around the country.and sponsors a general cultural program for the Lublin area providing
students with tickets to concerts, operas, plays, dance events, films, and museum and gallery openings.@
Poland-Related Resources
Centre for European Studies Jagiellonian University
Undergraduate study abroad-The study abroad programme is organised for undergraduate students from other universities and colleges.
We offer students the opportunity to see the rapidly-changing world of Central Europe at first hand while studying at Poland's oldest and most prestigious university.The city of Krakow is home to countless museums and churches filled with art treasures.The 11 universities keep the many libraries and bookstores bustling by day. The uncountable cafes and clubs keep the city lively by night. Students coming for study abroad at the Centre for European Studies become full-time students of the CES.
Recent students in the study abroad programme have come from American University, Bates College, Beloit College, Boston College, University of Edinburgh, George Washington University, University of Illinois, Institut d'Etudes Politique Lille, Institut d'Etudes Politique Strasbourg, Loyola University Chicago, Melbourne University, Northwestern University, University of Richmond, University of Rochester, Rutgers University and University of Toronto.
Students interested in spending a semester of year abroad at the Jagiellonian University should request that their home institution's Study Abroad office contact us directly.
Contact person: Mr. Scott Simpson ssimpson@ces.uj.edu.pl
Center for Russian, Central and East European Studies:
The Center fosters the multidisciplinary and comparative study of Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. Its goal is to formulate fresh theoretical insights, support academic and practice-oriented research, and develop innovative teaching tools. The Center brings together scholars, policymakers and activists from the region and other parts of the world, and provides them with an environment in which they engage in theoretical debates, exchange research results, design collaborative projects, and develop policy recommendations.
Rutgers University Polish Club: The Club continues to unite not only the polish community at Rutgers but also students from outside of the University. Its most recent goal is to organize a Polish Department at Rutgers University.@@
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