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listings for

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Carbondale, Illinois, 62901

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Polish Studies at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale

Located within a short drive of the Shawnee National Forest, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale with over 20,000 students it lays a claim to being the second largest comprehensive university in Illinois..

Poland-Related Courses

338-3 HIS Eastern Europe @
COURSE DESCRIPTION: An historical survey of the Eastern Europe area from the Baltic to the Balkans, with emphasis on the modern Era


Weeks, Theodore R. , Associate Professor of History, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale @@
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, 1992
Phone: 618.453.7874 / Fax: fax 618.453.5440 / E-Mail:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Ethnic Relations and Assimilation; Polish-Jewish relations during the period 1855 to 1914 and the effect thereon of the restrictions placed by the Russian authorities on Polish culture and political life.
  • "A National Triangle: Lithuanians, Poles and the Russian Imperial Government."  In Catherine Evtuhov, Boris Gasparov et al., eds. Kazan, Moscow, St. Petersburg: Multiple Faces of the Russian Empire.  Moscow: O.G.I., 1997, pp. 365-380.
  • "Nationality and Municipality: Reforming City Government In the Kingdom of Poland,"  Russian History/Histoire Russe, XXI, No. 1 (Spring 1994), 23-47.
  • "Defining Us and Them: Poles and Russians in the 'Western Provinces', 1863-1914," Slavic Review, LIII, No. 1 (Spring 1994), 26-40.
  • "Lithuanians, Poles and the Russian Imperial Government at the Turn of the Century," Journal of Baltic Studies, XXV, No. 4 (Winter 1994), 289-304.
  • "Defending Our Own: Government and the Russian Minority in the Kingdom of Poland, 1905-1914," The Russian Review, LIV, No. 4 (October 1995), 539-551.
  • "The 'End' of the Uniate Church in Russia: The Vozsoedinenie of 1875," Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, XLIV (1995), 1-13.
  • "Polish 'Progressive Antisemitism,' 1905-1914."  East European Jewish Affairs, XXV, No. 2 (1995), 49-68.
  • "Poles, Jews, and Russians 1863-1914: The Death of the Ideal of Assimilation in the Kingdom of Poland."  South East European Monitor, III, No. 3 (1996), 36-54.
  • "The 'International Jewish Conspiracy' Reaches Poland: Teodor Jeske-Choi ski and His Works."  East European Quarterly, XXI, No. 1 (March 1997), 21-41.
  • "Fanning the Flames: Jews in the Warsaw Press,1905-1912."  East European Jewish Affairs (November 1998).
  • "Polish Jews and Jewish Poles: Assimilation in Russian Poland, 1863-1914."  Polin: A Journal of Polish-Jewish Studies, vol. 12 (1999).
  • "Polish-Jewish Relations 1903-1914: The View From the Chancellory," Canadian Slavonic Papers XL, 3-4, September-December 1998, pp. 233-249

META-FACULTY - Faculty who have studied and/or taught at Polish institutions of higher education

Neuman, Edward Professor, Department of Mathematics, Southern Illinois University @
Ph.D., University of Wroclaw, 1972
Phone: (618) 453-6501 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Numerical analysis with special emphasis on spline functions, Special functions, Inequalities.

Szary, Marek Associate Professor, Department of Engineering, Southern Illinois University @@
Ph.D., Wroclaw Technical, 1977
Phone: (618) 453-7833 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Passive and Active Noise Control, Acoustical Materials, Fluid power and fluid transport phenomena.

Wiltowski, Tomasz Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering, Southern Illinois University @
Ph.D., Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
Phone: (618) 453-7000 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail:
MAJOR INTERESTS: Heterogeneous catalysis, solid state and materials engineering, reactor design, environmental engineering and pollution control.

Last updated 10/07/05


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