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Polish Studies at
University of Minnesota
The Institution
The University of Minnesota, with its four campuses, is one of the most comprehensive universities in the United States and ranks among the most prestigious.The University of Minnesota serves more than 60,000 students throughout the state and offers degrees in more than 370 fields of study.
Polish Study Courses
PLSH 3601 Survey of Polish Literature: Baroque through Romanticism.
Reading and analysis of major works of Polish literature from Baroque through Romanticism.
PLSH 3602 Survey of Polish Literature: 1863 to the Present.
Reading and analysis of major works of Polish literature from 1863 to the present.
Language Instruction
PLSH 1101-1102 Beginning Polish I, II
Develop basic proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and become acquainted with Polish culture.
PLSH 3001-3002 Intermediate Polish I, II
Conversation, composition, advanced grammar, translation, and readings in appropriate literature. Third of four courses designed to satisfy CLA language graduation requirement.
Andrzej - Associate Professor of Architecture, University of Minnesota
- Magister Inzynier Architekt, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa, Poland, 1979
Phone: (612) 624-8036 / Fax: .... / E-Mail: piotr001@tc.umn.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Relationships that exist between representation and knowledge in architecture
- "Cultural Hybridity in the Architecture of Eastern Poland" in Traditional Dwellings and Settlements, Working Paper Series: Learning from Place: The Culture of Building, 134/IASTE: 73-93, 2000
Leonard A., Associate Professor of Slavic Language and Literature, University of Minnesota
- Ph.D., The University of Wisconson-Madison
Phone: (612) 625-1384 / Fax: (612) 624-4579 / E-Mail: polak001@umn.edu
- Supplemental Materials for First Year Polish, Slavica Publishers, 1991
- Intermediate Polish: a Cultural Reader with Exercises, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Sklodowskiej Lublin, 1999
Piasa Directory of U.S. Institutions of Higher Education and Faculty Offering Instruction in Polish Language, Literature, and Culture 1996--97. New York: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America, Inc., 45 pp., 1997
- "Teaching Polish in the United States: Past and Present," in Polish Review, 41: 131-155 and 258, 1996
- "Organizing Chaos: Keeping Track of Current Publications Under the New Order in Poland," with Karen Rondestvedt, in The Polish Review, 41: 157, 1996
- "Patriotic Perspectives in Contemporary Poland: Conflict or Consensus?", with Duffy D. and Sullivan, J.L. in Polish Review, vol. 38: 259-298, 1993
META-FACULTY - Faculty who have studied and/or taught at Polish institutions of higher education
Andrew - Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota
- Ph.D., Polish Academy of Sciences, 1968
Phone: (612) 625-2374 / Fax: .... / E-Mail: dresc001@umn.edu
Fundamental aspects of testing and modeling of the mechanical behavior of frictional/cohesive materials.
Henryk K. - Professor of Civil Engineering
- Ph.D. Polish Academy of Sciences, 1979
Phone: (612) 625-2501 / Fax: .... / E-Mail: stola001@umn.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS:Structural and continuum mechanics, with particular emphasis on large deformation inelastic problems Analysis of shell structures. Variational methods and numerical techniques for nonlinear problems of mechanics.
Study Abroad
Learning Abroad Center: Summer Language Study in Poland at the Catholic University in Lublin is open to freshmen and above.
Poland-Related Resources
Immigration History Resrch Center: The Center's Polish American Collection is exceptionally rich and diverse. Included are over 4,000 monographs written by, for, and about Polish immigrants and their descendants pertaining to virtually all facets of the Polish American experience. The collection also contains more than 500 newspaper and serial titles published by Polish organizations and institutions throughout the country, many dating back to the late 1800s. A significant number of these have been microfilmed and are described in the booklet A Guide to Polish American Newspapers and Periodicals in Microform published by the Center
In addition, the Center maintains ca. 650 linear feet of unpublished records and documents from Polish American organizations and individuals. Of particular importance are the records of the Polish American Congress, occupying some 47 linear feet of shelf space, initially donated in 1978 and supplemented in 1983 and a Historical Sketch of the organizaiton from its formation in 1944.
Center for Nations in Transition: The Center, a component of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, has been involved in research, institutional design for sustainable development, and educational activities in Poland and other Central and East European Countries. More specifically, the Center is an umbrella organization for several multi-year research and training projects dealing with the economic, ecological, and institutional changes in Central and Eastern Europe.
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