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> Bruno Schulz (1892-1942)

A Meeting, 1920 Self Portrait Self Portrait at the Drawing Table, 1919 Portaits of Józefina Szelinska and Stefania Czarecka, 1934
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Painting and Drawing
6 drawings
240 words
Article regarding Schulz's graphics for his Book of Idolatry
16 drawings
1,050 words
flag   Assorted drawings and a biography of the artist.
c. 20 drawings
8 links
flag   Links to some 20 portrait drawings, primarily self-portaits. Also links to pages with drawings under the following headings: Book of Idolatry; Interior Scenes; Street Scenes; Table Scenes; Fairytale Scenes; Female Nudes; Portraits; Illustrations for his own stories; Judaica; graphic projects.
43 drawings flag  A collection of Schult's drawings illustrating his short stories.
6 drawings
170 words
flag   Included in a larger 3,660 word website devoted to art of Polish Jews a section of six drawings Schulz intended as illustrations for his short stories plus a paragraph about his art.
315 words A timeline providing dates of events in Schulz's life.
500 words A short biography. Also a bibliography of Polish commentary .
750 words Biography and pen and ink sketch of Schulz. Short excerpts from Streets of Crocodiles and from Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass.
830 words A 1998 article entitled Polish Jew Bruno Schulz's writings earn acclaim .
1,655 words A literary and artistic biography
750 words this is a page about Bruno Schulz with his biography ,a list of his writings and some external links
Literary criticism, analysis, etc.
260 words Synopsis of "Regions of the Great Heresy," Jerzy Ficowski biography of Schulz
555 words Reflections on the blend in Schulz's writing of masochism and heroism, and the dark landscapes of mind and place.
895 words Essay and analysis by Robert Fulford
1,130 words Article written on the occasion of Schulz's The Streets of Crocodiles being turned into a theatrical piece that opened at the John Jay College Theater as part of Lincoln Center Festival '98.
1,220 words Danusha Goska's review of "Regions of the Great Heresy" by Jerzy Ficowski biography of Schulz in The Sarmatian Review
1,465 words Essay and analysis of the collection by Eric Mader-Lin
1,900 words Announcement of a November 19, 2001 Tribute to Bruno Schulz staged by The Center for Jewish History in New York City.
3,575 words To the author, Schultz, viewed against the background of Galicia, emerges not as a brilliant cultural outsider, but as the most prominent writer nurtured on the "frontier" of the Jewish-Polish-German region
3,690 words The New Yorker's review of "Regions of the Great Heresy," Jerzy Ficowski biography of Schulz
5,460 words Discussion of Schulz's attitude and employment of psychoanalytic concepts in the title short story.
10,350 words The subtitle of David Goldfarb analysis of Bruno Schulz literary oeuvre comes from the so named last story in the latter's Cinnamon Shops. Godfarb suggests that "Schulz's texts expect the reader to reconstitute a mythology from fragmentary traces of myth submerged within the text," and makes the claim that the purpose of the Great Season is "is to tell us how to read Schultz."
Translations and original texts from Schulz's two collections of short stories
Introduction: for someone new to Bruno Schulz's work, the matter of the titles of the two collections of short stories for which he is best know can be confusing:
  • The first collection was published in Poland under the title "Sklepy cynamonowe" (Cinnamon Shops). This title is also that of one of the 15 stories in the collection.
  • Translated into English, the collection was published under the title "Street of the Crocodiles", this being the title of another one of stories in the collection.
  • The second collection was published under the title "Senatorium under the Hourglass" which again was also the title of one of the 13 stories in the collection.
3,010 words Celina Wieniewska's English translation of one of the stories from The Cinnamon Shops collection side by side with the original Polish text.
1,955 words English translation by Celina Wieniewska of one of the stories from the collection Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass
6 stories John Curran Davis's English translations of five stories from The Cinnamon Shops and one from Senatorium under the Hourglass.
2,933 words English translation of a story from the Cinnamon Shops collection
3,325 words English translation of a story from the Cinnamon Shops collection
15 stories   Text of all 15 short stories published under the title Cinnamon Shops
6 stories   Six of the 13 stories published under the title Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass
The Mythologization of Reality
875 words Schulz's essay translated from Polish by John M. Bates
855 words Translated by John M. Bates side by side with the original Polish text.
Bruno Schulz's frescos: discovery, removal, controversy
10,220 words Subtitled About the victims, heroes and struggle for the Drogobych wall paintings, the article discusses the discovery of Schulz's wall paintings in his native town (now in the Ukraine) and their controversial removal to Jerusalem.
625 words A letter of criticism of Yad Vashem for its removal of the frescoes.
1,395 words A letter seeking to justify the actions of Yad Vashem in its removal of the frescoes and four replies
435 words
one painting
Information about an exhibition featuring fresco's painted by Schulz in Drohobycz
General sources and locations of paintings at top: from the left
    "A Meeting", 1920
    "Self Portrait"
    "Self Portrait at the Drawing Table", 1919, Zydowski Instytut Historyczny, Warszawa
    "Portaits of Józefina Szelinska and Stefania Czarecka", 1934, Muzeum Literatury, Warszawa
    "Unknown Title"
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