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Wroblewski, Andrzej / Wróblewski, Andrzej (1927-1957) |
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Culture.pl culture.pl/en/culture/artykuly/os_wroblewski_andrzej |
1,250 words |
A biography of the artist with emphasis on his painting |
Galeria Zderzak zderzak.pl/gal_a_wroblewski.html |
1 painting 385 words |
A painting: Two married women and biographical details |
Gallery of Polish Painting Masterpieces artyzm.com/e_artysta.php?id=667 |
2 paintings 175 words |
Two paintings: Execution V and The Driver plus a brief biographic note |
Info-poland info-poland/classroom/Szyszko.html |
500 words |
Wroblewski's role and contribution are discussed in a 500 word passage illustrated with his painting Execution V in an essay entiled "Impact of History on Polish Art in the Twentieth Century" |
General sources and locations of paintings at top: from the left
"Execution V," 1949, National Museum, Poznan
"Two Married women", 1949
"In the Queue", 1956
"And the Queue Goes On", 1956, National Museum, Warsaw
"Driver", 1957, National Museum, Warsaw
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