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Readership* *% of population |
Name |
Comments |
Dailies |
17.1% |
Gazeta Wyborcza |
Free access to articles in current issue and in those of the past ten days. Charges for access to earlier archival material. For more info about the daily read the essay by its editor, Adam Michnik, "Gazeta Wyborcza: Democracy's Troublemaker"

13.8% |
Super Express |
Bills itself as Poland's first and only tabloid. Website provides: "A variety of articles from the current issue." |
4,5% |
Rzeczpospolita |
Newspaper of record. Access to article in current issue and archival back to 1993 For more info about the daily read about its nomination as one of the world's two Best-Designed Newspapers. |
2.6% |
Dziennik Polski |
Published in Krakow, with strong regional emphasis, front page as pdf file, access to other articles, archives accessible back to 1998. .
1.1% |
Trybuna |
During the period of the "People's Republic" it came out under the name Trybuna Ludu (The People's Tribune) and was the official organ of the Workers Part (communist). It is experiencing cash flow problems. It provides access to some articles in current issue and likewise to editions going back to September 2001 |
0.7% |
Zycie Warszawy |
Articles from current issue accessible. Archive has unusual format.
Weeklies |
8.4% |
Wprost |
Newsmagazine in the Time/Newsweek format that begun publication after country regained sovereignty in 1990. Access to articles in current issue and archives going back to 1998 with search capabilities.
6.2% |
Polityka |
A magazine of news and analysis of many years standing which used to come out in newspaper format but adopted the Time/Newsweek format following Wprost success. Access to articles in current issue and archives going back to 1998 with search capabilities..
5.5% |
Nie |
Muckraking and satirical publication under the editorship of the spokesperson of the last communist government who has reinvented himself as a populist. Listing of articles in current number with access to some current and other articles in the archives.
1.6% |
Przekrój |
A general interest magazine of many years standing. Content of current issue with some articles accessible on line |
0.5% |
Tygodnik Powszechny |
Bills itself as a Catholic publication dedicated to culture and social matters. Founded in 1945 by late Jerzy Turowicz, a legendary editor who always kept the journal open to new ideas in culture, philosophy, and social thought. For the whole communist period, it remained a beacon for readers seeking space beyond state-controlled press. Site gives access to articles from current and past issues going back to 2000.
Monthly Periodicals |
0.5% |
Wiez |
A Catholic opinion monthly published since 1956 that under the editorship of Tadeusz Mazowiecki, took courageous stands vis a vis actions of the communist regime. Mazowiecki continued as editor till 1989 when he became Poland's first Prime Minister after the fall of the communist regime. Tables of content for issues going back to with links to some of the published articles.
0.5% |
Znak |
Published since 1946, the monthly bills itself as an active participant in changes in Poland and the (Roman Catholic) Church. Each issue is devoted to a different topic, thus heritage of different eras, the nature of other faiths. Tables of content pages going back to 1999.