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Archaeological Research at Oslonki, Poland |
890 words 2 illustrations 17 links |
Archaeological research at Oslonki focuses on the study of the earliest farmers (4000 B.C.) of the North European Plain continuing work begun in 1976 at the nearby site of Brzesc Kujawski. Author: Peter Bogucki. |
Archeology in Poland |
37 links |
Website maintained by the Poznan Archaeological Museum. Provides a variety of information on archology in Poland. |
Digging in Poland |
1,550 words |
Subtitled "From a Notebook of Polish-American Archeologist, the 1996 article discusses the why the author undertook archeological research in Poland and the findings it has made regarding early farmers in the region." Author: Peter Bogucki.
The Neolithic Diaspora in Europe |
2,820 words |
Article discusses the spread of farming across Europe, including Poland's plains between 8,000 and 5,000 years ago as the result of two processs: the migration and dispersal of farmers and the adoption of crops and livestock by indigenous foragers. Author: Peter Bogucki. |
Biological and Cultural Consequences Of the Transition to Agriculture In Human Populations on Polish Territories info-poland.../geography/archeology/cached.html |
350 words |
Summary of Thesis |
The Pride of Poland |
725 words |
Article introducing the archeological site of Ostrow Lednicki, an island on Lake Lednica and a place that claims to be where Mieszko I, Poland's first Christian ruler, established his administrative capital in 966 |
Lednica |
620 words |
Article introducing the archeological site of Ostrow Lednicki, the administrative capital established by Mieszko I a thousand years ago. |
Giecz |
690 words |
Archeological information about Giecz a major political and economic center of the newly emergent Polish state in the 10–11 centuries. |
Early Medieval inhumation cemetery at Sródka in Poznan |
1,040 words |
Report on fieldwork in the years 1994-1997. &nbps; 17 photographs of site |
General Carleton of Whitby - British ship sunk in 1785 and discovered in 1995 |
790 words |
Underwater archaeology in Poland and the discovery and investigatin of the ship's wreck. half nautical mile off the coast. |
Arecheology in Poland |
35 links |
Directory hosted on the website of the Archeological Museum in Poznan |
Field School in Mortuary Archaeology, Giecz, Poland |
510 words |
Description of the fieldwork in Giecz and the opportunity for volunteers to apply for Summer of 2007 |