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>Ignacy Paderewski

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Patriot, Composer, Piano Virtuoso, Philanthropist, St atesman
1,895 words
Article, illustrated with 14 photographs, tracing Paderewski's artistic and political career
Ignacy Jan Paderewski Time-line
510 Chart of significant events in Paderewski's life.
Paderewski: sensational pianist
460 words Short biographical sketch
Ignacy Jan Paderewski
4,030 words A biographical essay addressing the question who he was, discussing his piano virtuosity, his music compositions and his patriotic activities. His model humanitarianism, his activism are also described. Finally, the site gives a list of his works.
Address at the Unveiling of the Grunwald Monument
670 words Translated and annotated text of Paderewski's dedication at the 1910 unveiling of the Grunwald monument he donated to the City of Krakow.
Jan Paderewski Biography
855 words A short biography with special reference to the entombment of his remains between 1941 and 1992 in a vault in the Arlington National Cemetery
The Unknown Paderewski
30 articles The Winter 2001 issue of the Polish Musical Journal devoted to Paderewski
Paderewski and Polish Émigrés to America
26 articles The Summer 2001 issue of the Polish Musical Journal devoted to Paderewski
Ignacy Paderewski, Pianist and Patriot
1,560 words Review of book Ignacy Paderewski, Pianist and Patriot by Antoni Gronowicz
Ignace Jan Paderewski (1860 - 1941)
1,585 words A biography stressing Paderewski musical career
An Attempt to Define Ignacy Jan Paderewski's Performing Style
3,530 words Translation from Polish of Slawomir Dobrzanski's scholarly discussion of Paderewski's style.
Ignace Paderewski Quotations
9,400 words A treasury of quotations.
Paderewski Pride
1,310 words A 2001 webpage comprised of a brief biography on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Paderewski's death and descriptions of events being staged in Warsaw in commemoration of the anniversary
Paderewski: Portrait of a Musician
335 words The Polish Cultural Institute's page devoted to a Paderewski exhibition mounted by the Thorton School of Music at the University of Southern California in the period September 17, 2002 - May 31, 200 3.  cashe
Ignacy Jan Paderewski 1860-1941
340 words A brief biography with one photograph
Ignacy Jan Paderewski (1860 - 1941)
390 words
7 recordings
Webpage presents several original recordings by Paderewski
Ignacy Jan Paderewski
2,050 words A biography by Prof. Roman Solecki
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