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InfoPoland Poland on the Web
University at Buffalo
State University of New York
Annotated links to Poland-related information
a service of the Polish Academic Information Center
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> Judaica: the History of Jewish Poland

Directory of Poland on the Web pages pertaining to Jewish matters
Khazaria: links to pages which discuss the possible Khazari origins of Polish Jews

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1,950 words A short history of the Jews in Poland
35,800 words total
5 links The arenda was a sort of no holds barred lease for three to five years of landholdings, mills, estates, inns, whole villages, towns or even groups of towns. Although the subject is hardly remarked upon in histories of Poland, during its hayday in the 16th through the 18th Centuries, the arenda system likely played a large role in the development of relations between the Jewish and the Polish or Ukrainian communities.
20,350 words total
3,830 words A history of Jews in Poland through the ages with the following headings: the Middle Ages, Colonization of the Ukraine, Chmielnicki Revolt, Rise of Hasidism, Partitions, Rise of the Haskalah, Political Life of Jews, after World War I, tThe Holocaust, Confinement and Extermination, Concentration Camps, Post World War II/ Communist Era, Present Day Poland, the Virtual Israel Experience
12,200 words An account of Polish-Jewish relations in the interwar period in Poland
7,250 words The site discusses what was the Jewish community like in pre-WWII Poland. It details what was lost as a result of the war and the Holocaust. It features separate pages dovoted to: Politics, Discrimination, People and Lifestyles, Economics, Community, Links, Bibliography
70 sections
many visuals
Two components of and exhibiton Beyond the Pale: The History of Jews in Russia detailing Jewish history, the expulsion of Jew from England, Spain, Portugal, and Germany, their migration to Poland/Lithuania which "become the new cultural center of Jewish life in Europe" and their life and ordeals when the Polish territories inhabited by them became part of the Russian Empire.. Excellent map showing where Jewish immigrants to Poland came from and where they settled.
The second component of the same exhibition detailing the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis in the Polish lands during WWII.
Note to the Governments of the United Nations
5,275 words Document released by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on December 30th, 1942 giving the text of a December 10, 1942 letter from Edward Raczynski, the Polish Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs to the United Nations alerting it to the persuction of Jews by the German occupiers of Poland. Also included in the document a Notice issued by the Jewish Council in Warsaw on July 22, 1942 and the text of a Broadcast made on December 17th, 1942 by the said Count E. Raczynski.
Persecution of Jews in German Occupied Poland
5,030 words Document released on July 25, 1944. The release discusses the persecution of Jews in German Occupied Poland under the following heading: I. - Decrees Against the Jews; II. - Persecutions, Executions, and Mass-murders; III. - The Practical Application of Racial Theories; IV. - A typical Scene: the Jews in Lodz; and V. "Autonomous Administration" of the Jewish Population.
This Lublinland Reservation
1,390 words Document released on July 25, 1944. The document addresses a theme discussed in the German Press from time to time about the creation of a Jewish State to be established in the Polish province of Lublin. The release represents an effort to learn what might be the reality of the matter.
14,660 words total The website reproduces pages from German Crimes in Poland, published by the Central Commission for Investigation of German Crimes in Poland. Warsaw, 1946
some 25 maps A set ofuseful maps pertaining to the history of Jews in Europe and the events of the Holocaust
38 images
2,000 words
6 poems
A Polish Academic Information Center Exhibit which seeks to convey some sense of the massive suffering and inhumanity of the Ghetto that the Germans created in Warsaw in 1940, into which they crowded 550,000 Polish Jews and where the extreme conditions and hunger led to a massive death toll. Not satisfied with that, the Germans sent 400,000 of the Ghetto inhabitants to the Treblinka death camp. Finally in April 1943 the remaining Jews in the Ghetto staged an uprising which the Germans surpressed, reducing the Ghetto to rabble.
2,010 words A page generated on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943. A brief introduction regarding the history of Jews in Poland is followed by two proposed routes of nine and 10 days duration, respectively. for visitors taking them to significant Jewish heritage sites accross the country
28 ariticles
44,100 words
The debate, as represented by translations of articles in the Polish press, that took place in Poland in 2001-02 following the revelations that July 10, 1941 in the village of Jedwabne the Polish inhabitants of the village took part in a massacre of their Jewish neighbors.
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