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State University of New York
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> Polish-Jewish relations

Check also the Directory of Poland on the Web pages pertaining to Jewish matters, and Poland in the Classroom pages pertaining to the Jedwabne tragedy
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1,860 words A review of Polish-Jewish relations through the centuries.
12,200 words An account of Polish-Jewish relations in the interwar period in Poland
6,500 words A selection from an essay, first published in the Krakow-based weekly, Tygodnik Powszechny, which discusses Milosz's poems Campo dei Fiori and A Poor Christian Looks at the Ghetto as these address the Polish-Jewish past
8,075 words Text of address given by Eva Hoffman in 2000 at the University of California at Berkeley, the major part of the address was devoted to how collective memories have shaped Polish-Jewish relations.
18 essays
147 pages
Collection of invited essays that discuss Holocaust education in Poland. Second English edition published in 2005.
3,505 words Editorial by Maja Trochimczyk discussing the problems of the assignations Polish Jews, Jewish Poles in the context of the music created by these people.
180 webpages The webpages of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews, a joint posting of the Krakow-based Znak Publishing House, long associated with Catholic intellectual thought, and EuroDialog - a Polish internet bulletin sponsored by UNESCO. The pages feature views, interviews, news items, winning competition essays, book reviews, etc.
3090 words Twin webpages dedicated to an enquiry about Nazi terror in Poland and the identity of the non Jewish victims of that terror, particularly in Poland
one webpage Website of festival which takes place annually in the first week of July. Website feartures a description, a schedule of events, a gallery of photographs, etc.
430 words A short summary of history of the Jewish community in Poland.
1,090 words Review by Amy Rosenbaum's of Darcy O'Brien's 1998 book The Hidden Pope in the Philadelphia Inquirer. The book is about the lifelong friendship of John Paul II and Jerzy Kluger, a Polish Jew. It details his efforts to promote good relations between the Vatican and Israel, efforts that won him the praise in 1982 of then Iraeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir.
4,400 words An exploration of the fora in which Polish-Jewish relations are considered in Poland.
12,900 words The American Jewish Committee's analysis of the treatment of Jewish themes in grade 4, grades 5-8, and secondary schools in Poland and the impact of the Polish-Israeli agreement signed in June 1996 concerning the contents of school textbooks.
one webpage Table of contents of a Special English language issue of the Polish periodical Więź earlier accessible on the Internet, now available for purchase in hardcopy from Więź
9 articles
36,100 words
Articles by Father Waldemar Chrostowski, Head of the Institute of Catholic-Judaic Dialogue of the Catholic Theological Academy in Warsaw and vice-president of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews:
12,900 words The American Jewish Committee's analysis of the treatment of Jewish themes in grade 4, grades 5-8, and secondary schools in Poland and the impact of the Polish-Israeli agreement signed in June 1996 concerning the ambasada/contents of school textbooks.
1840 words One of two webpages dedicated to an enquiry about Nazi terror in Poland and the identity of the non Jewish victims of that terror, particularly in Poland
1250 words The second of two webpages dedicated to an enquiry about Nazi terror in Poland and the identity of the non Jewish victims of that terror, particularly in Poland
2,555 words A 1998 position paper authored by Edward J. Moskal, President of the Polish American Congress
2,200 words Review of Aharon Appelfeld's book Polin hi eretz yeruka ("Poland is a Green Country") by Yossi Avni-Levy, a a senior diplomat at the Israeli Embassy in Poland      cached
740 words A May 8, 2005 opinion article by Nahum Barnea subtitled Some Poles want to forget the war, but there is another Poland
4,300 words Polish flag The site provides the complete 37 article text of the statute in Latin and renders it into Polish with a 255 word English summary. The statute excused Jews from municipal laws and made them subject to the jurisdiction of the Prince, it provided them with freedom to persue commerce and credit operations (usury), the right to selfgovernment, protection of their persons and posessions, as well as freedom to practice their faith. It became the prototype of the rights accorded to Jews in Poland prior to the country's loss of independce in the eighteenth century.
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