Monument on St. Joseph's Square.
Unveiled on May 30th 1999, the monument stands at the location where the Pontiff said mass when he visited the city.
Statue in the courtyard of the Bishops' Palace, ul. Franciszkanska 3,
The work of the Italian sculptor Jole Sensi Croci, the bronze statue was a gift that Italian artists gave to John Paul II in 1980 and one he proffered to his native archdioceses of which he had been the archbishop in the years 1964-1978.
Located in Park Srzelecki (Riflemen's Park) adjacent to Lubicz Street.
The statue was unveiled on July 1, 2000 by Cardinal Franciszek Macharski. The artist of the six foot high statue, Czeslaw Dzwigaj, was inspired by a photograph taken at a Papal audience in which was included a delegation of the Fraternity of the Kurkowie, an Association of Riflemen which owns the Park in which the monument is located and it former times used the location for sharpshooting practice.
Monument located adjacent to St. Maksymilian Kolbe's Church
in Mistrzejowice
Unveiled on January 1991, the statue was a gift of Tomislaw Kecman and Risto Gusterov of Macedonia. Including its base, the monument rises to a height of 16 feet. It is the first papapl statue created by Gustaw Zemla.
Monument located in the Rakowiecki Cemetary
The monument was unveiled on April 10, 2005, that is on the morrow of the funeral of John Paul II in Rome. The work of Czeslaw Dzwigaj, the 5 foot monument of the kneeling Pope stands at the entrance of the path leading to the graves of the Pope's parents and brother which the Pope visited on each of his nine pilgrimages to Poland.
Located adjacent to the Church of the Good Shepard>
Unveiled on 23 October 1998 the six foot high bronze statue is one of a series of similar ones (see below) created by Stefan Kowalówka, a sculptor from Wegrzec near Kraków
Located near the peak of the Laskowiec massive
Dedicated on July 15, 2001 the monument stands on one of the one of the higher mountaintops of the Small Beskid chain.
| LICHEŃMonument located in front of the new Basilica.
The work of Krakow sculptor Marian Konieczny, unveiled on September 15, 1999. the monument
rises to a height of 14 feet.
Located adjacent to the cathedral
The seven foot bronze statue portrays John Paul II as he appeared on his 1987 visit to the city.
Located on Łowicz's Market Square adjacent to the Cathedral.
The monument was unveiled in June 2000 on the first anniversary of the Pope's visit to Łowicz on 14 June 1999.
Monument located adjacent to the Parish Church
Made of marble-based artificial stone the monument is the work of Lębork sculptor Tomasz Sobisz.
Monument stands in the courtyard of the Catholic University of Lublin.
The monument portrays a moment made famous by a photograph of Poland's Primate, Cardinal Stefan
Wyszyński greeting Karol Wojtyła following his election to the Papacy.
The John Paul II monument was erected in the John Paul II Park in 1999.
Standing on field stones the monument, the work of sculptor Krystyna Faldyga - Solska rises to a height of 7 and a half feet..
Located adjacent to the cathedral
The monument, portraying a dynamic John Paul II, is the work of sculptor Krystyna Faldyga - Solska.
Located on the grounds of Jasne Blony
The almost 10 foot hight monument stands on a grassy area, part of the City's park system at a spot where the Pontiff celebrated Mass when visiting the City. |

Monument stands in Tarnów's Cathedral Square
The work of Bronisław Chrom of Kraków's Academy of Fine Arts, the John Paul II monument in Tarnów was the first one to be erected in Poland. Unveiled on June 29, 1981, the bronze sculpture stands 14.5 feet high adjacent to the south wall of the Cathedral's presbytery. It lacks a pedestal, this because of the sculptor's desire to accentuate its relationship to the ground from which it arises much as a tree trunk - a reference to the Pope having arisen from the Polish lands.
Located at the entrance of St. Peter's Church
The work of the Italian sculptor Luciano Minguzzi, the 9 foot high bronze statue John Paul II stands on a granite base at the entrance of the Church. Originally offered by the artist to the Wawel Royal Castle in Krakow, the monument was unveiled in Wadowice, the birthplace of Karol Wojtyla, on September 14, 1991 on the occasion of his visit to the town and his consecration of the Church.
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