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Polish Studies at University at Buffalo
The Institution
The University at Buffalo or, to give it its full name, the State University of New York at Buffalo, is New York state's largest and most comprehensive public university. Founded in 1846 as a private institution, it merged with the State University of New
York in 1962 to become its flagship campus which today boast 12 professional schools, a faculty
of 2,000 and a student body of 25,000. As the only public member in New York and New
England of the prestigious Association of American Universities, the University at Buffalo stands
in the first rank among the nation's research-intensive public universities. @
The CollegeThe 11,000 student strong College of Arts and Sciences is located on the University's
1,192 acre North Campus on the northwestern edge of the Buffalo Metropolitan Area, the second
largest urban setting in the state and one with the highest percentage of people of Polish ancestry
in the nation: 19% according to the year 2000 U.S. Census. @
Polish Studies ProgramThe Program offers each semester two courses on different aspects of Polish culture and history. The program is supported by the Kosciuszko Foundation and the course instructors are Visiting Professors who hold faculty positions at Polish Universities.
Polish Study Courses
Spring 2004: PS 211; ENG 261; HIS 211; POL 223
20th Century Polish-Jewish Literature: novel, essay, testimony
Remembering the Holocaust in Polish writing (novel, short story, memoirs, testimonies, fictionalized accounts and journalism) is a very important part of contemporary Polish literature. The authors from the list, each in his/her different way, narrates the impossible -- the death, indeed very often many deaths of one individual, miraculous survivals, gross abandonment among people and, on the contrary, solidarity and generosity despite life threats. Hanna Krall is a journalist collecting testimonies from Jewish survivors now scattered all over the world. Writing in an extremely ascetic prose she warns us how easy and dangerous it is to aestheticize death, to make the story beautiful. Her task, she says, is to be a witness to the impossible, to tell stories of life continued after death. She is also the first one to take down the testimony of Marek Edelman, the last commander of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, living in Lodz, Poland. Henryk Grynberg, an émigré to the U.S., writes fictionalized autobiographies, and fiction, focusing usually on the post-war loneliness of Polish Jews. Roman Polański, who survived the Krakow ghetto, writes about his childhood in a detached, matter-of-fact language, characteristic for many such testimonies. Michał Głowiński, a Professor in literature and linguistics, famous for meticulous analyses of the communist new-speak, returns to his childhood during the war in an intimate memoir "Black seasons". Our reading, apart from tracing the geographies of survival, will focus also on important generic issues: why so often testimonies slip into fiction, in Krall, indeed, even into the style close to magic realism; why so many authors prefer to hide behind literary personae; most importantly, how they manage to evoke the past in writing in the first place. The reading list will include texts by: Hanna Krall, Henryk Grynberg, Andrzej Szczypiorski, Ida Fink, Bożena Umińska, and others.
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Kolodziejczyk, D.
Spring 2004: PS 411; ENG 419: HIS 410; POL 411; WS 402
Polish Feminism: Literature and Politics
Since the early 90s women's fiction in Poland gained a new resonance and power; although
women had been previously much appreciated in the domain of literature, contemporary novel
was so far largely dominated by male writers. But in the last decade women seem to keep pace
and such names as Olga Tokarczuk, Magalena Tulli, Manuela Gretkowska, Izabela Filipiak
never cease to occupy a wide range of readerly and critical interest. Each of these writers
represents a distinctive style of her own, but it must be stressed that all of them are acute
observers of social reality in all its complexity. A theme of especial importance that of female
identity: the ways in which it can be thought of and constructed autonomously, outside
masculine or patriarchal discourses, or how it can join in the dialogue as a voice of equal merit.
They also open up new ways of thinking about the woman's body, feminine sensibility, the
everyday reality of women and so on. Our reading of literature will be informed and cross-examined with an on-going debate on the presence of women in public life after the 80s, when women often occupied important positions in the underground movement. The question raised
by Shana Penn and Agnieszka Graff two years ago (a debate on a really national scale, launched
in the dailies, cultural journals, and all the media in fact) is what happened to women on the
front-line of '89 breakthrough, why they chose afterwards to disappear from politics, or, in other
cases, why they were replaced by men. A broader question implied in the course will be about
various modalities and objectives of feminist thought and practice in Poland today.
COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Kolodziejczyk, D.
Fall 2004: PS 211; ENG 213; HIS 211; POL 223, DMS212
Poland and Eastern Europe: Films, Democracy and Politics
This course explores ways in which politics, the cinema, and democracy intertwined and clashed with each other in pre-1989 Poland and Central Europe. It examines major Polish and Central European political breakthroughs as seen in the movies of the most outstanding Polish film directors, such as Andrzej Wajda, Krzysztof Zanussi, Krzysztof Kieslowski, and Agnieszka Holland. Numerous readings are used throughout the course, explaining historical and political contexts of the selected movies.
Fall 2004: PS 411; ENG 415: HIS 410; POL 411
Poland and Eastern Europe: the Church and the State
Students examine the connection between religion and politics in contemporary Poland and in the other countries of Central Europe. Drawing on psychological, sociological and historical studies of religion, the course attempts to explain some paradoxes of the Polish and Central European religiosity. A particular attention is to be given to the politicization of religion, conflicts between clerical and laic models of social life, religion and religiosity under communism and after 1989. Theoretical foundations of the course will be illustrated by a number of historical examples exposing students to the complexity of the subject. "Hot" Polish and Central European topics will be examined: clergy and the politics (Wyszynski, Popieluszko, Mindszenty, Tomasek), discussions of various aspects of the Roman Catholic presence in Poland (religious education, abortion, secularization, liberalism, economy). Works of major contemporary authors are examined, including in particular those by John Paul II, Jozef Tischner, Adam Michnik, Tomas Halik, Jose Casanova, George Weigel, and Jerzy Szacki.
Spring 2005: PS 211 Poland and Eastern Europe: Post 1989 Democratic Transition and Consolidation @
This course examines democratic transition and efforts to consolidate democracy in Poland and other countries of Central Europe. The primary focus of the course is both on positive and negative aspects of the Polish and Central European transition to democracy after the fall of communism in 1989. Students will be introduced to social phenomena endangering or impacting the shape of social, political, cultural and economic changes taking place in the part of Europe between Germany and Russia. The course employs a comparative analysis to seek and discuss theoretical explanations of the nature of such issues as: civil society, nationalism, xenophobia, fundamentalism and populism. Among others, works used in the course include: Juan J. Linz and Alfred Stepan, Adam Michnik, Jozef Tischner, Jerzy Szacki, Vaclav Havel, Tomas Halik, Timothy Garton Ash, David Ost, Barbara Falk, Jeffrey Goldfarb, Vladimir Tismaneanu, Raif Dahrendorf, Marc Howard, and Tina Rosenberg.
Fall 2005: PS411
Poland and Eastern Europe - Dissident Thought: Dilemmas of Anti-Communist Dissidence
The course deals with the analysis of the main political concepts developed by anticommunist dissidents in Poland and Central Europe before and after 1989. Among the topics examined during the course are the place and role of the dissident thinkers, political oppression, manipulation, seduction, and politicized self. Readings include the writings of and on the Polish and Central European dissident intellectuals, such as. T.G. Ash, V. Tismaneanu, J. Goldfarb, D. Ost, A. Michnik, J. Kuron, V. Havel, G. Konrad, B. Falk, J.J. Lipski, T. Brussig, or H. U. Skilling.
Language Instruction
- POL 101/102 Elementary Polish I, II
Requires no previous knowledge of Polish. Develops speaking, reading, writing, and comprehension skills. Students with some familiarity with spoken Polish are welcome.
POL 203/204 Intermediate Polish I, II
Further development of all four language skills; introduces selections from Polish literary masterpieces.
George S. - Professor Emeritus,
School of Information and Library Studies
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1966
Phone: 716 645-6481 / Fax: 716 645-3775 / Email: bobinski@acsu.buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Public libraries; history of libraries and
media; academic libraries
- Jagiellonian University Meritorious Medal, 1997
- The Role of Libraries in the Democratic Process. Eds: Maria
Kocojowa and George Bobinski, Krakow: Jagiellonian University, 1995
Kazimierz - Professor of Directing, Department of Theater and Dance, University at Buffalo @
- Ph.D. Poznan University, Poland, 1971
Dr.Hab. Wroclaw University, Poland, 1975
Dr.Hab. Warsaw University, Poland, 1985
Phone: 716 645-6898 x 1327 / Fax: 716 645-6992 / E-mail: kaz@acsu.buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: The Polish Theater
- 1997: Chivalry Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland in
recognition of his outstanding work in Polish literature, theater and scholarship
- 1995: Antigone in New York by Jacek Glowacki; 1997
- The Ball of the Mannequins by Bruno Jasienski
- Immigrant Queen, 1997
- Tamara L, 2001
- Paderewski's Children, 2004
- A history of Polish theater. 1939-1989 : spheres of captivity and freedom Westport, CT : Greenwood Press, 1996
- Pozegnanie z Alaska : powiesc emigracyjna (Goodby Alaska: An Emigrant Tale) Warszawa : Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, 1996
- Wprowadzenie do Rezyserii (Introduction to Directing), Warsaw: Semper, 1998
- Tajemince powszechne (Everyday Mysteries -Poems) Bernardinum, Poland: Pelplin, 1998
- Theater Directing: Art, Ethics, Creativity (Studies in Theatre Arts), Edwin Mellen Press, 2000
- A concise history of Polish theater from the eleventh to the twentieth centuries Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 2003
- Day of witness : a novel tr. Zakrzewski C.A. Toronto : Omnibus Printers, 2002
Jean E. - Associate Librarian
- M.A. University of Chicago
Phone: 716 645-2814 x 425 / Fax: 716 645-3859 / E-Mail: dickson@acsu.buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: collection development for French,
German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish literatures and languages.
Polish Collection
Peter K. - Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology; Director of Polish Studies @
- Ph.D., London (U.K.), 1958
Phone: (716) 829-3295; (716) 645-3401 / Fax: (716) 645-3888 / E-Mail: gessner@buffalo.edu
MAJOR POLAND RELATED INTERESTS: Dissemination of English language information about Poland, Polish culture, history, educational institutions.
- 1998- Director and Webmaster of the Polish Academic Information Center
- 1998- Director of Polish Studies Program
- 1993- President, Polish Arts Club of Buffalo
- 1993-97 Editor: Polish Monthly, a publication of the Polish Arts Club of Buffalo
- 1992- Coordinator of the exchange with the Jagiellonian University
- 1990-1997: Resident Director of the Buffalo Summer Program at the Jagiellonian University
Sarunas - Professor of Anthropology, State University of New York at Buffalo
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1970
Phone: (716) 645-2414 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: smilis@acsu.buffalo.edu
Archaeological research on the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age settlements in Poland
- "Early Neolithic Settlement and Society at Olszanica", Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropology, no. 19 (Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 1986)
Danuta - Adjunct Instructor, Department of Linguistics, University at Buffalo
- Phone: (716) 645-2177 x782 / Fax: . . . / E-Mail: nycz@acsu.buffalo.edu
Second Language Instruction
Czeslaw Z. - Visiting Associate Professor Emeritus of Polish, University at Buffalo
- Ph.D., SUNY/Binghampton 1978
Phone: 716 645-2191 Ext: 1198 / Fax 716 645-5981 / E-MAIL: czp@acsu.buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Nineteenth-century German
philosophical writers with particular emphasis on Marx and Hegel and Marx and the use by the
form of the latter's concept of truth.
- Bruno Schulz : New Documents and Interpretations (Literature and the
Sciences of Man, Vol. 15). Ed. Czeslaw Prokopczyk, New York : Peter Lang, 1999
- Elementary Polish
- Intermediate Polish
Smith, Barry - Professor of Philosophy
- Ph.D. University of Manchester, 1976
Phone: 716 645 2444 x 711 / Fax 716 645 6139 / E-mail: phismith@acsu.buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Metaphysics, including Applied
Metaphysics. Austrian, Polish and German Philosophy, especially Brentano, Husserl, Ingarden,
- Review of Roman Ingarden, The Literary Work of Art (Evanston 1973), Journal
of the British Society for Phenomenology, 6 (1975), 141-44.
- "The Ontogenesis of Mathematical Objects", Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 6 (1975), 91-101.
- "Historicity, Value and Mathematics", Analecta Husserliana, 4 (1975), 219-39.
- "Matematyka a ontologiczna estetyka Ingardena", Studia Filozoficzne, 1/122 (1976), 51-56.
- "An Essay in Formal Ontology", Grazer Philosophische Studien, 6 (1978), 39-62.
- "Roman Ingarden: Ontological Foundations for Literary Theory", in J. Odmark, ed., Language, Literature and Meaning I: Problems of Literary Theory, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1979, 373-90.
- "On Making Sense of Ingarden", in Crisis of Aesthetics, Cracow: Jagiellonian University, 1979, 283-89.
- "Ingarden vs. Meinong on the Logic of Fiction", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 16 (1980), 93-105.
- Barry Smith (ed.), Parts and Moments. Studies in Logic and Formal Ontology, Munich: Philosophia, 1982, 564pp.
- "The Ontology of Epistemology", Reports on Philosophy, 11 (1987), 57-66. (Polish translation as: "Ontologia epistemologii", in W.
Strozewski and A. Wegrzecki (eds.), W Kregu Filozofii Romana Ingardena, Warsaw/Cracow: PWN, 1995, 111-119.)
- "Logic and the Sachverhalt", The Monist, 72 (1989), 52-69. (Revised version in L. Albertazzi, M. Libardi and R. Poli (eds.), The
School of Franz Brentano, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer (1996), 323-341.)
- "On the Origins of Analytic Philosophy", Grazer Philosophische Studien, 35 (1989), 153-173.
- "Kasimir Twardowski: An Essay on the Borderlines of Psychology, Ontology and Logic", K. Szaniawski, ed., The Vienna Circle and the Philosophy
of the Lvov-Warsaw School, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer, 1989, 313-373.
- "On the Phases of Reism", in J. Wolenski, ed., Kotarbinski: Logic, Semantics and Ontology, Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1990, 137-184.
- "The New European Philosophy" in Barry Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Political Change in Eastern Europe, La Salle: The Hegeler Institute, 1993, 165-170 and 191-192.
- Barry Smith (ed.), Philosophy and Political Change in Eastern Europe (The Monist Library of Philosophy), La Salle: The Hegeler Institute,
1993, vi + 192pp.
- Barry Smith, Austrian Philosophy: The Legacy of Franz Brentano, La Salle and Chicago: Open Court, 1994.
- Josef Seifert and Barry Smith, "The Truth about Fiction", in W. Galewicz, E. Ströker and W. Strozewski, eds., Kunst und Ontologie.
Für Roman Ingarden zum 100. Geburtstag, Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1994, 97-118.
- "Ingarden", in J. Kim and E. Sosa, eds., A Companion to Metaphysics, Oxford: Blackwell, 1995, 241-242.
- "Why Polish Philosophy Does Not Exist", in J. J. Jadecki and J.
Pasniczek (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School: The Second Generation, Dordrecht/Boston/Lancaster: Kluwer. [MS 20pp.]
- "Ingarden", in Robert Audi (ed.), The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Barbara - Professor of Women Studies, University at Buffalo@
- Ph.D., A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 1987
Phone: (716) 645-2327 x1108
/ Fax: . . . / E-Mail: bwejnert@acsu.buffalo.edu
Democratic Transitions and their Challenges
- Transition to Democracy in Eastern Europe and Russia: Impact on Economy,
Politics and Culture., Westport, CT: Praeger Press, 2002
- Women in Post-Communism.edited with M. Spencer, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1996
- "Polish Women and the Quality of Life: A Preliminary Research
Report". with Stycos,J., & Z. Tyszka inRoczniki Socjologii Rodziny (Annals of Sociology of Family), Vol. 9: 17-29 (1999)
- "Family Studies and Politics: The Case of Polish Sociology". in Marriage and Family
Review, no. 3/4, Vol. I, Part 2: 233-259 (1996)
- "The Student Movement in Poland: 1980-1981". in Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and
Change, vol. 10: 173-183, (1988).
- "Theoretical Approaches and Methodologies in Polish Sociology" in Roczniki Socjologii Rodziny (Annals of Sociology of Family) Vol. 7: 35-48 . (1988)
Paul - Professor of Economics, University at Buffalo
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, 1967
Phone: 716 645-2121 x 438 / Fax: 716 645-2127 / E-Mail: zarembka@buffalo.edu"
MAJOR INTERESTS:Marxism, History of Labor
Movements, Economics Development.
- "Poland: the deepening crisis in the summer of 1992," Monthly Review 44, 8 21-29, 1993
- Fulbright-Hayes Lecturer, Academy of Economic Studies, Poznan, Poland, October-November, 1979.
Ewa Plonowska
Park Professor of Comparative Literature, University at Buffalo
- M.A., Warsaw University, 1984
Ph.D., University at Buffalo, 1989
Phone: 645-2066 x. 1069 / Fax: (716) 645-5979 / E-Mail: epziarek@buffalo.edu
Feminist theory, modernism, continental philosophy, ethics, and critical theory
- Gombrowicz's Grimaces: Modernism, Gender, Nationality, SUNY, 1998
- "Nationality as Form in Gombrowicz's Trans-Atlantyk" Periphery: Journal of Polish Affairs, 3 (1997) 100-106.
Krzysztof - Professor of Comparative Literature, University at Buffalo
- M.A., Warsaw University, 1985
Ph.D., University at Buffalo, 1989
Phone: 645-2066 x. 1069 / Fax: (716) 645-5979 / E-Mail: kziarek@buffalo.edu
contemporary poetry and poetics, aesthetics, philosophy and literature, and literary theory
- Zaimejlowane z Polski (Emailed from Poland), SUNY, 2000
- "Nationality as Form in Gombrowicz's Trans-Atlantyk" Periphery: Journal of Polish Affairs, 3 (1997) 100-106.
Visiting Faculty
- Herzog,Tomasz Z.
- Kosciuszko Foundation AssistantVisiting Professor, Polish Studies Program State University of New York at Buffalo
- Assistant Professor of Educational Policy and Civic Education, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
- 1996 Postgraduate Studies in Civic Education, Educational Policy and Educational Leadership, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA
- 2002 Ph.D., Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
- "Post-Communist Dilemmas ? Democracy Without Citizens?", [in:] Cunningham M. (ed.). (2002). Democracy and Education, Washington, D.C.
- "Education for Democracy ? Some Reflections on the Teacher's Role in the Transforming, Post-communist Societies, [in:] Kohnova J. (ed.). (2000). Teachers and Their University Education at the Turn of the Millennium, Prague.
- "The Czech Prince or Why We Should Read Vaclav Havel", [in:] Przeglad Politologiczny, 1/ 2, 1999
- "Educational Implications of Adam Michnik's Thought", [in:] Przyszczypkowski K., Zandecki A. (eds.) Edukacja i mlodziez wobec spoleczenstwa obywatelskiego (Education and the Youth in the Context of Civil Society), Poznan-Torun 1996.
Dorota - 2002-2004 Kosciuszko Foundation Visiting Professor, Polish Studies Program, University at Buffalo
- Ph.D., Wroclaw University, 1999
716 645-3401/ Fax: 716 645-3888 / E-Mail: dbk3@acsu.buffalo.edu
Concepts of the nation and cultural identity in the context of globalization; postcolonial studies and literature; cultural anthropology and theory
University at Buffalo: 2002-2004
- The Hero/ine in Polish Film: Then and Now
- Poland and Islam: Contact and Strife
- Polish National Identity in Literature
- Polish Feminism: Literature and Politics
- Magic Realism in Polish film
- Polish Minorities: History and Culture
- 20th Century Polish-Jewish Literature: novel, essay, testimony
- 'Objectology', Anglica Wratislaviensia, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1998.
- ''The Satanic Verses and the Rushdie Affair: Reading the Blasphemy', Anglica Wratislaviensia, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wroclawskiego, 1998
- 'Fictionalizing history and historicizing fiction. The sense of the past in S. Rushdie's Midnight's Children and V. Seth A Suitable Boy', Images of India in Film and Literature in English. Conference Proceedings 13 - 14 April 1996, ed. By Maria Edelson, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Lódzkiego, Lódz 1998, pp. 95 - 111.
- "Nation, identity, transition. In what sense do we live in the world of the 'post'?'", with Koczanowicz, L. in Democracy in Central Europe 1989-1999, ed. by Justyna Miklaszewska, Meritum, Kraków, 1999, pp. 287 - 302.
- "Culture and Nationhood: First Stages in the Development of Comparative Cultural Studies", British Studies: Intercultural perspectives, ed. by A. Mountford and N. Wadham-Smith, Longman 2000, pp. 15 - 21.
Adjunct Professor, Department of English, Wroclaw University
META-FACULTY - Faculty who have studied and/or taught at Polish institutions of higher education
Jan - Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University at Buffalo
- M.S., Warsaw University, 1979
Ph.D., Rutgers University, 1990.
Phone: (716) 645-3180 / Fax: (716) 645-3464 / E-Mail: homicki@buffalo.edu
Logical foundations of databases; database integrity and interoperability; spatiotemporal databases;
policy management; electronic commerce and agent-based systems.
Stanislaw G.,
- Professor of Mathematics
Ph.D. Polish Academy of Sciences, 1959
Phone: 716 645-6284 x128 / Fax: . . . / E-mail: mrowka@buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Topology, E-compactness, dimension
theory, formal logic.
Stachowiak, Michal K. - Associate Professor of Anatomical Sciences
- Ph.D. Academy of Medicine, Gdansk, Poland, 1980
Phone: 716 829-3540 / Fax: 716 829-2915 / Email: mks4@Buffalo.edu
MAJOR INTERESTS: Regulation of catecholamine
biosynthetic enzymes and growth factors genes, signal transduction pathways of fibroblast growth
factor receptors, regulation of glial and neuronal development and plasticity by growth factors,
and gene therapy for neurodegenerative disorders.
Poland-related Resources
Polish Academic Information Center
The Center, established jointly by the University at Buffalo and Poland's Jagiellonian University under the aegis of Poland's Ministry of National
Education, has as its primary mission to serve the academic communities of both America and Poland
as an information clearing house, helping American students interested in Polish Studies in the US
or study abroad in Poland and, more generally, institutions and individuals interested in pursing
studies related to Poland, its culture, language, economy, etc. Secondarily, the Center's mission is to provide on-line instructional resources for American
teachers planning to conduct classes regarding Poland, the American Polonia, and their cultural
heritage. The Center's primary method of dissemination of information is via its more than 2000 webpages of it info-poland website wherein information about Poland and matters Polish is provided in English.@
Polish Room Collection
The Lockwood Memorial Library's Polish Collection established in 1955 and developed during
the next quarter century of cooperation between the University and Buffalo's Polish community,
particularly its Polish Arts Club, is housed primarily in a separate room, hence its name. @ The
collection is strong in literature and history with emphasis on genealogy. @ It is very
strong in its
language sections. Because of the physical confines of the room limit the number of volumes
housed there, additional materials on Poland and Polish-Americans are to be found in the general
Lockwood collections.
Among the various unique materials belonging to the Polish Room are 21 letters and other
manuscripts bearing the signatures of Poland's kings, from Sigmund August (1548-1572) to
Stanislaus August Poniatowski (1764-1795) their purchase for the library having been arranged by
Aleksander Janta, a prominent Polish journalist and President of the Polish Arts Club of Buffalo.
@ Digital
reproductions of these documents can be viewed on the Library's Website. Also among the
materials belonging to the Polish Room is a 1584 edition of Rerum Polonicarum
compiled by Alexandro Guagnino. @ This rare and important book in
Polish history, a rich gift from Buffalo's Polish community, was selected in September 1981 for
the honor of being the library's two its millionth acquisition, thus to mark the "well known and
substantial contributions made by the group to the growth and development of the
Other Polish materials in the collection include 35 videorecordings of Polish films and theater
productions, a number of audiotapes of Polish literary works, Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty
background reports on Poland form 1967 to 1989 (on microfiche), 135 underground press books
from the Solidarity period (on microfiche). @ The library
also subscribes to two dozen or more Polish newspapers and periodicals and it carries an
electronic edition of the Polish-American Journal. @
Additionally, its Website has pages providing information on Polish genealogical resources,
Polish-American resources, the history of the Polish Room, and Polish-American Heritage in
Buffalo and Erie County.
Polish Student Association
The Association is a well established organization stretching back to the turn of the 20th century.
Indeed, the University archives has posted a 1915 photograph of the "Polish University Club" on
its Website @@
The organization organizes traditional Polish events, the main
ones being the annual Wigilia
Dinner (traditionally a Christmas Eve Dinner) @ Everyone is welcome
whether they have Polish background or not, whether they speak Polish or not. The
organization's telephone is 716 645-2494 and its mailbox is located in room 350 of the Student
Union building.
Last updated